I can almost get my leg to go straight, and I can bend it to 120 degrees.
For having a partial replacement 10 days ago, I hear that that's pretty good.
#2 a wild elephant's weathered skin (I *promise* KevXman that I had this sitting on my comp ready to submit when I saw your photo! No copying! I must say I love your style though )
#2 a wild elephants weathered skin (I *promise* KevXman that I had this sitting on my comp ready to submit when I saw your photo! No copying! I must say I love your style though )
No worries from me Rebecca. I always like to see different takes on the same subject. Besides, nothing is at stake here except bragging rights and the honor of running the next mini-challenge.
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
That looks painful. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
I can almost get my leg to go straight, and I can bend it to 120 degrees.
For having a partial replacement 10 days ago, I hear that that's pretty good.
Of course, pain meds help.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Touch My Hat?
the leaf - Nikon D300, 60mm micro-nikkor
the lake - Nikon D70, 18mm
Photo-a-day 2013
My Mom Says I'm Beautiful!
Wrinkles Equal Wisdom
My Site, My Book
Ready for the short cake and whipped cream ... Reach Out and Pick Us ...
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Eye of the Curl
Cold as Ice
#2 a wild elephant's weathered skin (I *promise* KevXman that I had this sitting on my comp ready to submit when I saw your photo! No copying! I must say I love your style though
#3 A flaky sunlit palm
No worries from me Rebecca. I always like to see different takes on the same subject. Besides, nothing is at stake here except bragging rights and the honor of running the next mini-challenge.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Cruisin' along
Armored Cricket
Member; NANPA
Equipment: Canon 5D, 1DS, 16-35 F2.8, 70-200 F4, 580EX Flash, Galen Rowell GND filters, Singh-Ray Vari-ND filter, Lee filter holder,Gitzo 2227 tripod & monfotto 3221 tripod, Gitzo GH2780QR ballhead,
Epson 3880 pro pinter, CS5, Nik software complete edition, Photomatix.
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
This is one my favourite textures - the green baize of a snooker table
Edit: One more, an idea I had a while ago.
Bald Eagle Young One :d
The tree of life
A pointed greeting
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Art Gallery
Exposed *
Exposed 2 *
What do you see? *
Thanks for looking.
-- Lisa P.
Basket Case
Uncomfortable Solitude
www.MattPilsner.com | FACEBOOK
Member; NANPA
Equipment: Canon 5D, 1DS, 16-35 F2.8, 70-200 F4, 580EX Flash, Galen Rowell GND filters, Singh-Ray Vari-ND filter, Lee filter holder,Gitzo 2227 tripod & monfotto 3221 tripod, Gitzo GH2780QR ballhead,
Epson 3880 pro pinter, CS5, Nik software complete edition, Photomatix.