Dancing iShiva
I had been thinking about this shot for a while and finally convinced my daughter to pose for it.
EDIT: There is a revised (hopefully improved) version of this on the second page of this thread.

C&C always welcome.
EDIT: There is a revised (hopefully improved) version of this on the second page of this thread.

C&C always welcome.
Why that white wall, skirting board and carpet, though? And all-over lighting?
It needs a lightning storm! And strong lighting from one side and top, colors to make her skin look like brass. And all the LEDs glowing!
I would have liked to see her hair loose and wild. And her in a neon lycra body suit, of two different colors for the two exposures.
Oh! You haven't finished yet? Pardon me!
I'm gonna still the idea :-)
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
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The idea is successful, but the execution could be more dramatic. Primarily if you're going to include the carpet and floor than I think you need to create a sense of depth between the subject and the wall. If a person is next to a wall it's pretty near impossible to not have a shadow, so the shadows shouldn't have been edited out for depth.
Even just pulling her 2 feet in front of the wall would have created some depth.
It's definitely a fun concept and very close to pulling it off.
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Jim and Neil: I agree that the background sucks. My original idea was a little more complicated. Here's a work in progress version of the concept. If you can, ignore the transparency at the bottom--it was not meant to stay that way.
Leaving the shadows alone sure would have saved me a lot of time and effort
I may go back to this one if I get a better idea for a background, but in the end I was just trying to be funny and laziness got the upper hand. I don't have much experience with posed shots and I was rather overwhelmed by the number of details involved. It really increased my respect for all you portrait shooters.
Yes, it did seem to me you likely wanted to do a lot more with this. Since you have selections, and you like environment shots, why not look through your archives for the right photo to put her in? Or go looking to shoot something new for it? I can imagine an architectural background, something modern and sculptural. Making her the pedestal of a fountain?
Looking forward to seeing your solution. The idea is worth finding one.
Thanks for the encouragement.
this is, I think, my first time when I see the famous Mandlebrot set used as an Indian-themed backdrop - and, by Shiva, does it fit! :-)
Did you generate the bg image yourself with something like MatLab?
Cheers, Nik. I'm glad someone recognized it
It is certainly very accomplished graphics-wise. Congratulations!
I wonder, though, why the distribution of stars, which is varied so nicely in most areas of the background, suddenly diminishes to nil in the bottom quarter? I think I would have liked to have seen a more gradual taper away to a sparse one or two?
I am a bit surprised, I admit, to see you make this choice of 'decorative' setting for the figure. I was expecting image elements of contemporary, tech stuff. I imagined a mirroring effect, for example, of glowing VDUs, radiating around her.
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Neil: I did the gradient of the stars with the idea of the heavens being above rather than the figure and pedestal floating in space. In the back of my mind, I also saw a rough sea at the bottom, but I don't have any decent shots of that in my archive and the seas are calm in Madrid right now.
Yeah, that's fine. It does a lot as it is.
Funny that you should mention a sea, because one of my first thoughts when I saw this version was that she was surfing on the mouse!
Very cool shot.......I really like it!!!
Thanks for the tip, Art. I think there's already enough happening here, so I'm going to quit before I screw it up.