smugmug category deleted
I have an smugmug account, and need to change a gallery category...This is where my photos are, I hit the delete button in deleted the category and now the photos are in "other" it shows the galleries in "other" but when I click on the gallery it sends me back to my main page...(there is no customize button under the gallery),
its shows there are photos but, no photos are there....I need to save these do I find my images and how do I create the category again and stick them there.
I found a similar problem at this link.....
Please help..I thinking I lost my images..
its shows there are photos but, no photos are there....I need to save these do I find my images and how do I create the category again and stick them there.
I found a similar problem at this link.....
Please help..I thinking I lost my images..
How did you delete the gallery? Going through control panel, or from gallery tools beneath the gallery?
Have you written to HELP?
Control Panel > Customize Tab > Categories
I don't know why Customize Gallery is not appearing under the gallery but you can also excess by
Open the gallery you want to customize > gallery tools drop down menu > customize gallery
Is this what you are asking ?
My Gallery
Score card
When you delete a category all the galleries are moved to the 'Other' category. In this case all the galleries were in a subcaetgory and the subcategory was't associated with the 'Other' category. This caused the bad links.
Cabbey is taking a look to see if he can fix it all up for us