The Boxer
This series of photos came about due to a second idea I had for the recent DSS Mega Challenge (the "failed" idea is the last in this set). Though I didn't run with this idea, this series demonstrates a ton of firsts for me as a photographer: using a multi-light set-up, working with a "model" and posing, and post-processing utterly unlike anything I normally do.
I wanted to capture a style similar to Joey Lawrence and Dave Hill, though less illustrator-ish than the latter. After bribing my extremely fit friend to model and gunking her up good, we set to shooting--with lots of giggling in between. (We were doing this on my front porch and got some straaaaange looks from my passing neighbors as well as the UPS guy and my mailman. So worth it, though!)
The Set-Up
3 (Missed the focus, but I still love her expression)
Thanks for stopping by! :thumb
I wanted to capture a style similar to Joey Lawrence and Dave Hill, though less illustrator-ish than the latter. After bribing my extremely fit friend to model and gunking her up good, we set to shooting--with lots of giggling in between. (We were doing this on my front porch and got some straaaaange looks from my passing neighbors as well as the UPS guy and my mailman. So worth it, though!)
The Set-Up
3 (Missed the focus, but I still love her expression)
Thanks for stopping by! :thumb
Overall, great post-prod. work!
Excellent !
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"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Kerry, this is quite simply stunning work. Wouldn't want to meet your friend alone in a dark alley...
Some of My Photos:
Thank you!
Thank you! That's how I ended up feeling about #3, too.
And thank you. She's actually quite harmless, and one of the goofiest chicks I know:
Thanks, Steven! The PP is actually a bit complex--lots of layers involved, mainly curves, multiply layers, and hue/sat. I was thinking of putting together a how-to post in the Techniques area if enough people are curious. It's not a simple "cook," for sure, and I didn't use exactly the same steps for each photo as the same steps didn't always work for the pose/focus/lighting variations.
I did put together a "Dave Hill" action (which I used in some shots but not in others, and always tweaked the adjustment layers afterward) based on this tutorial. That could be a good starting place.
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I think you should continue to play with the fire in #5. It's not there yet, but it's close.
I love the phone books for light stand stability.
Thank you! She was fantastic...after we got past the giggling. :giggle
Thank you! Glad to know I captured the same feel.
I need to put #5 aside for a bit, as I've worked on it so much I've grown to hate it. I know my OCD side won't let it go, so eventually I'll go back to tweaking.
Yeah...phonebooks. Funnly enough, I'd been watching a lot of lighting videos before attempting this and saw the liberal use of sandbags. I thought that was way heavy duty and figured, "I'm no pro, I won't need 'em." That strobe had a brolly on it at first, then one good gust of wind came by... :uhoh I frantically began searching for something to weigh the stand down, and we'd just had new phonebooks delivered. Worked like a charm.
Give it a whirl if you like. Let me know if it doesn't make any sense.
Kerry, these are extraordinary!
Woo, a jawdrop! Thank you, Charlie.
Aperture Focus Photography
If you google Scott Kelby's Website/Blog and go back a few posts (less than two weeks ago).
There is an interesting video on how to create fire/flames in PS by creating a brush from the smudge tool.
I just watched it and moved on so I don't know if it would be applicable in your situation but I believe it would be worth a look for the photo your struggling with.
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Thank you so much!
Interesting. I'll have to try it out to see if I like it or not. Thanks for the tip!
For anyone who's curious, here it is on YouTube:
Hey credit where credit's due, by the way, does 'fit' have the same slang connotation in America?
Thanks, Aaron!
I'm not sure what it means for you across the pond, but here it's meant as "physically in shape/healthy." My friend is very lean and muscular, and she has an amazing workout routine.