Communication - #7

I have a Border Collie and thought about using her as the subject for this challenge. This was a quick shot I took of her this evening to try to see if this idea is worth pursing. The eye contact and stalking movement is very typical of the way this breed herds. It's not possible for me to get sheep in the picture with her -- we don't own any! What she's doing is stalking a frisbee. :rofl
C&C appreciated!
Eyes that Move Sheep
C&C appreciated!
Eyes that Move Sheep

This is a very nice shot and an excellent BW conversion! I think it would be much stronger if you could find something for her to herd... although it is a very compelling shot the way it is... must be the intense eyes... My Grandpa had a border collie, he used to try and herd heavy equipment like backhoes, tractors, and other Farm type equipment... He was a very crazy dog...:D
Great shot. I don't know if many people will get the communication link.
I have border collies too, and the eyes do definitely communicate. I have a similar shot of my older girl from a long time ago, and it's always been one of my favorites.
great shot, nice conversion
Thanks, Winston!
Thanks, Eddie! I've also been wondering if non-dog people will get the link. May need to try a different approach.
Thanks, Michele.
Thanks, Nikolai!