Weekly Assignment #91: Best angle

Being a mathematician by education and an artist by soul, I'm a firm believer in a theory that each person has a particular angle s/he looks her/his best from. For some people those angles can cover pretty much the whole sphere (or frontal hemisphere at least) - those people are typically called "beautiful". But even the ugly duckling may have just one lucky angle from which it looks if not great, but good enough, or, at least, much better than from the others.
Your assignment this time is to find such an angle for a certain person or, if you live along in a desert, an object. Your entry should consist of a multitude of images (3..5? you decide), all taken with roughly the same exposure/DOF parameteres and the same lighting. With each frame you are supposed to describe why exactly this particular angle is not working - or works the best.
Once you cover the basics, for an extra credit try to change the lighting (type, angle - whatever options you have) and repeat the procedure. You will find that BVA (Best Viewing Angle) may - or may not - depend in it, too.
Let's find us some angles!
Your assignment this time is to find such an angle for a certain person or, if you live along in a desert, an object. Your entry should consist of a multitude of images (3..5? you decide), all taken with roughly the same exposure/DOF parameteres and the same lighting. With each frame you are supposed to describe why exactly this particular angle is not working - or works the best.
Once you cover the basics, for an extra credit try to change the lighting (type, angle - whatever options you have) and repeat the procedure. You will find that BVA (Best Viewing Angle) may - or may not - depend in it, too.
Let's find us some angles!
"May the f/stop be with you!"