<UL> not working in Journal gallery
Hi guys,
I'm trying to setup a pricing page here: http://www.idic-photo.com/gallery/5820991_jLoUq
As you can see,
This is a test
I'm trying to setup a pricing page here: http://www.idic-photo.com/gallery/5820991_jLoUq
As you can see,
is not working in the first photo's comment -- its working fine in the 2nd photo and the bullets are showing. THis is the exact same code I have in both comments:
This is a test
- very cool photos
- CD
IDIC Photo
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www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Hmm...tried that but no go. The html tags should be there in the template already, no?
Portraits - Weddings - Events - Products
It seems to be working now?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
The <html> tag you enter manually tells Smugmug to leave your text alone so it can be processed as real HTML. If you don't have the <html> tag, then Smugmug does all sorts of things to process the text. It turns carriage returns into <BR> tags, it escapes things like < and > so they appear as you would expect when you type text, etc...
If you want it to be processed as HTML, you have to tell Smugmug to leave it alone with <html></html>
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I did add the html start and end tags but still no ul li bullets
Portraits - Weddings - Events - Products
We see the bullets now. Perhaps you need to clear you browser cache or do a refresh on the page.
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www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
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www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Portraits - Weddings - Events - Products
Portraits - Weddings - Events - Products
You have some mismatched tags in your HTML (unclosed DIV, maybe others) that are causing you problems. Safari shows your page as completely blank. Firefox shows it properly in Smugmug view - I don't know about Journal view.
You just need to fix the HTML so it's proper and it will probably work everywhere.
You can run your page through the W3C validator if you want to see what your errors are - just put the URL of your page into that tool and understand the results. I see at least one unclosed DIV.
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It's not really that strange. When you have an unmatched DIV or other unmatched tags, the behavior is completley undefined. Anything can happen and it will likely be different in every browser and it's not surprising that it's different in some views.
It's even possible that Smugmug could change some of their HTML (unbeknownst to you) and that would suddenly cause a browser to freak out because of your HTML error.
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In Journal view the first picture's unordered list items are not showing the bullets
Portraits - Weddings - Events - Products
I took a look in the caption, close up the list too.
Add this to CSS
.gallery_5820991 .photo.left {
padding-right: 30px;
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Maybe the HTML errors I see aren't affecting your particular issue and perhaps Allen and Rich have figured it out, but you probably should clean them up anyway. Here's what I see:
On line 301 in your StatCounter code, you have an unmatched DIV in the < noscript > section of code. There's a DIV tag but no /DIV tag inside the < noscript > section.
On line 245, you have a BR tag inside of your UL tag before your LI. It looks like the W3C validator says you can't have the BR tag before the LI tag.
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jfriend, I think I fixed the missing div tag in statcounter as well. Thanks!
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