Symbolism in a Graveyard

I went out shooting today to try and find a shot for the #7 challenge. I thought I would go to my fav graveyard hang out:huh and see what communicates to me as a good shot:D.
I choose the Sun Deity pic but I still wanted to post some of the other ideas I had.:thumb
St. Peter's Gate

Dare ya???

Filled away

Believe it or not?

The Sun Deity - The Eye of Ra

C&C welcomed and always appreciated.
I choose the Sun Deity pic but I still wanted to post some of the other ideas I had.:thumb
St. Peter's Gate

Dare ya???

Filled away

Believe it or not?

The Sun Deity - The Eye of Ra

C&C welcomed and always appreciated.
Nice series! Agree that your Sun Deity is fantastic (the clouds/fog? below her add to the drama)
I also really like #1 & 2.
Thanks for sharing,
- Deanna
Jeff Meyers
These are IR shots, correct?
Personally, i really like the first one as well. I found more irony in this famous graveyard than any place I have seen.
Thanks April. You are correct, these are all IR shots
No conversion, this is straight out of the camera with an adjustment to the WB in camera.
I converted a nikon D80 to an IR camera, adjusted the WB against a patch of grass at high noon. With these two modifications, the pictures come out black and white. These mods also prevent the usual red hue that is associated with a Digital IR shot straight out of the camera.
uhhh, i take the fifth
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Hi Daniel, I like the first and the last shots out of this series.
Soooooo you gonna come out with me and April to shoot some IR's when I get over there
Nice work......
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Looking forward to meeting you Skippy. April talks none stop about your whirlwind of tourism while you were here last. It looks like you next trip out will be no less hectic.
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well done / excellent.