Sharing images on another site

I know how to click the Share button and get a Link to paste into another site.
However, this always strips all the Exif data that was uploaded with the original. Is there any way to share the Original image that still has all the Exif data?
However, this always strips all the Exif data that was uploaded with the original. Is there any way to share the Original image that still has all the Exif data?
- On your PC, resize your image to the exact size you want to link to on this other web site.
- Upload that resized image with EXIF to a Smugmug gallery that allows access to originals (you can make it an unlisted gallery, external linking enabled, access to originals allowed)
- Link to the original sized image that you uploaded
This works because the EXIF info is retained in the original sized image, just not the smaller web-sizes that Smugmug generates automatically. So if you do the resizing first and upload that as your original, when you link to it, it will have EXIF data in it.Homepage • Popular
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I understand what you have written, but the original is not one of the options when you click Share. Is there another way to find the proper link to the original?
Russell MacDonald Photography
Just take any of the links and put -O at the end instead of the other size designation.
So, if you see in the share dialog, you can just change it to to get the link to the original sized version.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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Got it!
Thanks very much,
Russell MacDonald Photography
You can give link to the Exif
Replace image Id and Image Key that are underlined and bold
Or Replace M-2 with O for orignal file you uploaded
My Gallery
I understand. Thanks very much!
Russell MacDonald Photography