WTB: looking to purchase a D60

I will be looking for a Nikon D60 in the very near future. I prefer to purchase it with a lens rather than just the body. If anyone has a D60 they are looking to part with please drop me a line and maybe we can get a deal done. I have found a couple online that are very inexpensive ($476.00) but honestly I would rather put the money in the pocket of someone here who could use it. Thanx!!!
Camera : Nikon D40
You asked a question in the camera forum about the D40 that's how I remember your name.
Just a very big word of caution. The prices you see for $476.00 are plain out scams for a new D60. They will be without the inluded accessories and if you want them you will end up paying more than the MSRP. Remember the saying, "if it's to good to be true...". Just wanted you to know.