Possible P&S problem

divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
edited September 2, 2008 in Cameras
Since I posted vehemently against my Canon Elph SD750 in the recent P&S thread, I feel I ought to at least to give it the benefit of the doubt and ask: is it possible I have a bad copy, and how would I tell?

The only truly sharp pictures it has ever given me were with flash (and even those weren't as pin sharp as any of my previous P&S cameras); they have all been less than crisp. They don't look like camera shake (although it's possible, I suppose), but just like it's been taken through something. Almost sharp, but not quite. In addition to the continuing problems with that, it now is regularly suffering significant shutter delay when I go to shoot -even with a full battery in good light.

Suggestions on how I can try and diagnose it to see whether it's worth taking it in for repair and/or replacement? I love the size of it, but it's just not reliable and, in comparison to my previous P&S, a Powershot A75, it's been a huge disapointment. When I use the little camera - which lives in my purse for those "omg I wish I had a camera!!" moments, I don't really want to have to think about whether it's going to *work* or not, I just want to ... er... point and shoot :)

Tx in advance for any pointers!

Here's one that's typical of what I'm talking about. Bright (if ugly and contrasty) light, but... really soft at full size.

(Exif info: Canon SD750 1/250s, 12.1mm f4.0 ISO 80)



  • Jekyll & HydeJekyll & Hyde Registered Users Posts: 170 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2008
    Bad camera
    divamum wrote:
    Here's one that's typical of what I'm talking about. Bright (if ugly and contrasty) light, but... really soft at full size.
    J: If this is typical, then it looks defective to me.

    H: Exchange it or send it in for repair.

    Good luck,
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2008
    J: If this is typical, then it looks defective to me.

    H: Exchange it or send it in for repair.

    Good luck,

    Thanks. Glad to have a second opinion and that it is NOT only to my eyes that it lookks like poor image quality. This is one of the average-to-better shots with it; some are softer than this...

    Thanks for the response (and anybody else who cares to wade in, please feel free!)
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited September 1, 2008
    Since I shoot raw in both dslr and p/s.....I am not sure that they are to be pin point sharp right out of camera....what happens if you run thru Photoshop unsharp mask.....the normal p/s'er this might be very acceptable......we at dgrin seem to demand more of our equiptment than most.
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  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2008
    I took it in for repair/service/whatever today (the only advantage to having bought from BB) - we'll see whether it makes any difference!

    Btw, re unsharp mask, yes I can sharpen them up a bit, but really - still not thata great.

    Thanks for the responses!
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