Information Please
I am a photographer who is doing a lot of school or youth athletic photos. In my area annother photographer is offering "cardboard" freestanding photo frames. for some reason these appeal to people around here. trouble is I cannot find a source for them. Most are half fold with 2 windows holding a group photo on one side and a individule photo on the other. Does an one have a source for these?
Thanks Gary
Thanks Gary
I'm really bitting my tongue on this one.......
Just for jollies I typed in "free standing cardboard photo frame" into the search window, and got a ton of hits.
I , of course, did the same and got a lot of junk hits. I am looking for a supplier that will provide ,in bulk, a cadrboard frame that has a 5x7 vertical and a 5x7 horizontal in the same folder. as well as a 8x10 horizontal and 5x7 vertical. I know that they exist but not at any supplier that comes up in my search.
Try here.
BM-60 Black Memory Mate Folder BLACK/WHITE
Those are close and may work. I haven't seen the ones with the autograph section before. I wonder if there are any with out the autographs and at about half that price? If any one knows it will be a happy day for me.
I cannot remember ever seeing same size group and individual......I got mine from Tapperal Loomis (TAP) and also Wooden Nickel, as well as from some processors like Pro Photo out of Hollywood Fl (don't know if they ae even in business now)