Warning: Expired Credit Card....
I use paypal which generates credit cards that last a month, but I purchased a years account...
Smugmug should take this into account only show this warning when the account has expired, not when then card expired.
How do I get rid of this warning?
Warning: Expired Credit Card
Your credit card has expired. Please update your card details in your account settings. If you keep a current credit card on file with us, you can easily use SmugMug's shopping cart, renew, and Give the Gift of SmugMug.
Smugmug should take this into account only show this warning when the account has expired, not when then card expired.
How do I get rid of this warning?
Warning: Expired Credit Card
Your credit card has expired. Please update your card details in your account settings. If you keep a current credit card on file with us, you can easily use SmugMug's shopping cart, renew, and Give the Gift of SmugMug.
It can't be hidden, as far as I know. Sorry!
Seems live a simple IF (account expired and invalid credit card) statement should fix this.
come on guys... please fix this.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I'm understanding. It's working as intended. You don't have a current card on file, and we're letting you know that.
Does the message just bug you? Perhaps we could make a way to dismiss it. I will say that with the site improvements and fixes we're currently working on, this one might be low on the list. Thanks for letting us know it's important to you, though.