The lost Venice photos...

In 1996 My Daughter was 5 and we lived in Sardinia Italy. My In laws came to visit and we toured through mainland Italy for a week or so...
At some point my Father or Mother In Law bought a couple of rolls of slide film for their point and shoot 35mm... They had it developed when they got home to Florida and were never able to see the pictures until now...
I got my hands on these slides a couple of Months ago and just recently scanned them with my Nikon Coolscan 5...
Capturing Memories is a wonderful thing...
my daughter being lifted into the Gondola...

my Mother in law being helped into the Gondola, with my Father in law behind...

John, Cassis, & Edwina

The Grand Canal

Other Tourists on a Gondola ride...

You could still feed the pigeons back then in St Mark's square... today they sterilize them... (birth control) and it is illegal to feed them.... My Wife Stacey and Daughter Cassis...

St Marks square, Venice Italy

A side canal

I bought them Godiva chocolates for the Gondola ride... me in the background...

breakfast at a Cafe

My Father in law, John

Venice was the middle of our journey... We began on the coast close to Rome and traveled North through Tuscany... After Venice we came back south, stopping along the way, until we ended up on a ferry back to Sardinia... unfortunately many of the photos were film, point and shoot, no telling where the negatives are... That's why these slides were so special! no one has seen the images... technology is a great thing!
At some point my Father or Mother In Law bought a couple of rolls of slide film for their point and shoot 35mm... They had it developed when they got home to Florida and were never able to see the pictures until now...
I got my hands on these slides a couple of Months ago and just recently scanned them with my Nikon Coolscan 5...
Capturing Memories is a wonderful thing...
my daughter being lifted into the Gondola...

my Mother in law being helped into the Gondola, with my Father in law behind...

John, Cassis, & Edwina

The Grand Canal

Other Tourists on a Gondola ride...

You could still feed the pigeons back then in St Mark's square... today they sterilize them... (birth control) and it is illegal to feed them.... My Wife Stacey and Daughter Cassis...

St Marks square, Venice Italy

A side canal

I bought them Godiva chocolates for the Gondola ride... me in the background...

breakfast at a Cafe

My Father in law, John

Venice was the middle of our journey... We began on the coast close to Rome and traveled North through Tuscany... After Venice we came back south, stopping along the way, until we ended up on a ferry back to Sardinia... unfortunately many of the photos were film, point and shoot, no telling where the negatives are... That's why these slides were so special! no one has seen the images... technology is a great thing!
Don't know why I've only done this math now, but Cassis must be right in between my son and daughter in age. Cassis seems so much more a young adult than mine!
Thanks again, I really enjoyed these!
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When did they outlaw feeding the pigeons? I was there New Years of '06, then again in June of '06. The vendors were still selling the feed, people feeding them left and right.
I really like your shot no 7, the one of the pigeons flying in St Marks square! In fact, I really like all of them. Is that grain particular to the slide film? I have never used it before, but really like the effect.
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One thing I have realized Ann... Our own kids tend to act somewhat different around us than they do around other people, and we tend to be more critical of our own...