Pro Price Sheets
This may have been covered multiple times, but when I searched I couldn't find an answer. Can I create "Price Sheets"? I want one set of prices for Senior Portraits, a second set of Prices for Sports Photos, etc. Then I can just assign a Gallery to use a price sheet.
I believe right now, I set up the prices in one Gallery and then when I create another Gallery I can say copy over those same prices. After I've done this over and over, I have a lot of Gallery specific prices. If I want to change them all, it's a pain.
Let me know what you think, if it's already available, when it's coming, etc.
I believe right now, I set up the prices in one Gallery and then when I create another Gallery I can say copy over those same prices. After I've done this over and over, I have a lot of Gallery specific prices. If I want to change them all, it's a pain.
Let me know what you think, if it's already available, when it's coming, etc.
Same thing, I noticed this when updating a portrait gallery the other day and wondered if there was an easier way that I should have been doing it...
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Great call Hurly!
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Then repeat these steps for the different price tiers that you have.
I use it, but sometimes don't necessarily copy the original sometimes in the list a gallery with the prices I want comes up before and I just choose that.
You can do a similar thing with gallery setttings (eg. size available, printing on or off, etc.). I tend to have the default for all galleries set to unlisted so I can double check setting before going "live".
Hope this helps.
Although I had never thought of Hurly's original suggestion I have done yours. The issue is that the galleries seemed to be ordered in random and when you have a couple hundred it gets hard to find....
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Same thing here, as of now I've been doing it as bham suggests, but just looking for a better way as I get more galleries uploaded (22k pics on SM so far).
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Nikon | Private Photojournalist