newbie - be nice
Now, I'm using a Fujifilm finepix A500 5.1mp. Basically a p/s camera as i have no filters, extra lenses etc. Now these pics are of my kids out at the park last week and have not been touched with anything (straight from the camera to you, so to speak), so be nice. I'm just learning and am wanting ideas etc. :bow

Cute snaps, now post them after you process them, i think it would be fun to see what you can do with them
First shot, that child is absolutely adorable, love the curls and big blue eyes!! You can crop it a little different, so not to have it dead centered, plus that white blub of light to the left is a little distracting, so you can crop that part out.
Second shots, cute catch. Her face is a little too dark, so next time, make sure that light is right on your subject. You want to capture eyes along with everything else.
Keep shooting and posting!
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
Personally I think I have taken the colours too far?? C + C 's please
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
First things to address in any photo is exposure & color balance, then we work with shadows, darks, lights, and highlights paying attention to the histogram and recovering some blown highlights if possible. I began in Lightroom then ended up in CS3. Using a curves adjustment layer for both black point and white point, color & exposure is a great starting point..even after Lightroom (as there are differences unfortunately).
Then on the first pic, I worked on the eyes, making the whites whiter via saturation layer/mask/paint....then lowered the opacity to about 60%. Once I had the "look" I wanted, I sharpened the photo with a luminocity sharpening technique.
This stuff prolly sounds Greek to you right now so want to encourage you to click on the Tutorial button at the top of the forum here and start learning the basics about color balance, curves, contrast, pop, etc. These are pretty straight forward which you can practice on all your photos until it becomes second nature.
I also chose to crop the first one as the photo is about your child and not the back seat of the car...
The second one, the child's face was in "stealth" mode...meaning way too dark. The photo looked like it was more about the tree. So, I lightened up the face and upper body, then did some of the same things in CS3 (Photoshop)...then sharpened.
So, there you have it. There is a whole forum called "Finishing School" down below....hang out there and mess around with your pictures till 3 AM like the rest of us...
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
You're exactly right...get it right in camera first....then you have something to work with rather that trying to "salvage" anything.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
Keep practising!
Just means I need to get out and do some more shooting