Cookie & Val

This was very odd, even in California. Monday, Cookie and I were out for our walk. When we spotted this ...

A little girl was taking her sheep for a walk as well ...

The owner said that Val loves dogs so I introduced Cookie to Val ...

The Cook thought Val was a very funny looking dog...


A little girl was taking her sheep for a walk as well ...

The owner said that Val loves dogs so I introduced Cookie to Val ...

The Cook thought Val was a very funny looking dog...

My snaps can be found here:
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What a lovely photo story Gary
Can't say I've ever seen a sheep out for a walk myself
Glad the dog didn't attack it, it's often an instinct to chase what runs.
Is the sheep suffering an identy crisis ???
Thanks for sharing.......your dog looks very loveable
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
But some rancher is short one sheep.
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I live near hourse trails and horse property ... ag zoning ... so if one can have a horse I guess one can have sheep. Typically, The Cook is not on a leash as she will not cross a street until we look both ways and she is told that it's okay (even chasing a cat she'll stop at the curb). But I thought it would be best to leash her when she met Val. After some sniffing they played a bit, and I noticed all the meat on Val's legs and her shiney, sharp hoofs ... and I'm thinking that she could really do some damage if she ever connected a right hoof ...
So it was kinda hard to get some good snaps as I was very close and all I had was my 60mm macro.
PS- Cook is a Wheaten ... even though she is a Terrier, she is the most gentle creature I have ever befriended. Wheatens, as a breed, seem to not have a mean bone in their body. All they want to do is play. With cats, dogs, people and even sheep ... play, play, play. The Cook doesn't shed, rarely barks, is very calm until it's time to play then she's metal to the pedal. This little Wheaten is the best friend I've ever had ... man or beast.
Unsharp at any Speed
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