Popular Photos URL Domain Name is broken
The URL for the popular photos (when you click a popular photo) is reverting back to http://pancamo.smugmug.com instead http://photos.pancamo.com/
This was working... Someone change something?
This was working... Someone change something?
attached is a screen copy...
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I've narrorwed it down... Only guest users (when I'm logged out) see the problem and only when popular photos are on the default homepage. going directly to the /popular url is ok...
This looks like a smugmug bug... Since pancamo.smugmug.com is blocked to all my company (websense) and photos.pancamo.com is not blocked this is a large issue for me...
I'm looking for another smugmug user example...
Is there a known issues thread?
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I see the issue on your site. The generated HTML is not using your custom domain.
The only thing I can think of is when you go to Control Panel, Settings, Domain, what have you entered in that box for your domain?
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This only occurs when I'm not logged in...
However when Im logged in, Keywords on my homepage is using non-domain URL...
So looks like multiple issues with domains....
to recreate the issue, goto http://photos.pancamo.com and view the html (view/source) and search for pancamo.smugmug.com pancamo.smugmug.com should not be anywhere in the html...
script type="text/javascript">
var webServer = 'http://photos.pancamo.com';
var NickName = 'pancamo';
<div id="homepage" class="homepage tempClass bodyColor_Black">
<div id="breadcrumb" class="nav">
<div id="altViews"></div>
<span id="userName" class="title">Pancamo<span class="title possess">'s</span></span> <span id="userHome" class="title">Home</span>
<div class="spacer"></div>
<div id="popularPhotos" class="box">
<div class="boxTop">
<div class="boxNote note nav"></div>
<h3 id="popularTitle" class="title notopmargin">
<a href="http://pancamo.smugmug.com/popular/" class="title nolink">Most Popular Photos</a></h3>
<div class="spacer"></div>
1/2 of my site is correct... looks like Most Popular Photos is using the absolute URL, so the rest of the page get messed up...
when I 1st open IE7 and load my page: http://photos.pancamo.com the following is part of my HTML, but if click the IE7 refresh button, the following is NOT part of my HTML
******** type="text/javascript">
var smugmugUserHomepage = "http://photos.pancamo.com";
the same problem occurs with Google Chrome also...
Are you guys using some type of web load balancer maybe? I'm not sure why the refresh button pulls down a different version of the HTML...
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looks like a smugmug coding issue...
Works everytime for me now. I open IE. Go to your site. It shows the right domain. I hit refresh, still shows the right domain. Ten more times and it still shows the right domain. Have you tried clearing your browser cache and/or Smugmug cookies. I know it's a long shot, but when different people get different behavior it's often worth a try.
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the problem is gone now for popular photos, not the "Organize" at the bottom still has the wrong URL...
This sure smells like a caching problem to me where sometimes you get a stale cached page and sometimes not. I wonder if it will clear up as some cache expires or perhaps modifying the page caused the caches to get refreshed.
At least the organize link is only for you - your viewers don't see it.
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I think it must be a cache issue, but im not sure if it local or somewhere between me and smugmug... Since you saw the problem, i suspect smugmug... Hitting refresh should clear cache... so im thinking that smugmug may be using some type of cache engine like cisco WCCP?
anyway, im good for now...
Cool. Glad it's working now.
FYI, they are starting to use Akamai too (lots more caches near the edge), but I don't think they've yet enabled Akamai for custom domains.
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Many issues that it reports you can ignore, but some look like they should probably be fixed (missing close tags, non-symmetric open/close tags, close tag with no open tag, etc...). At it's worst, these kinds of errors cause funky behavior variations between browsers or cause things to break down the road when Smugmug changes it's HTML in a legal and normally harmless way.
Probably worth looking at the error listing.
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