For all you car lovers...

I recently convinced the officials at the Oregon Trail Rally that I was a member of the media (which, I guess I kinda am). I will only post a couple of the ones that I like, but feel free to look through the gallery.

Setting up for the upcomming right-hander

Straight stretch + AWD + 300+ HP = A quick 60 mph!

Setup corner before the straight.
Thanks for looking

Setting up for the upcomming right-hander

Straight stretch + AWD + 300+ HP = A quick 60 mph!

Setup corner before the straight.
Thanks for looking
If the proof wasn't so big, I'd say those are some nice shots. As for now, I can say the composition is pretty nice...
I always "proof" my for-sale racing pics because I don't trust the kids not to grab a photo, and because all my competition does the very same thing. But what I'll do is setup a private gallery that is not-proofed. Anything I want to post to a forum I make a duplicate in that gallery. Then post from that forum.
I also don't allow linking from my for-sale racing forums.
A former sports shooter
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Then again, I ain't selling much, so I'm not all that worried about it. The initial right click protect is good enough.
but regardless, didn't mean to turn this into discussion on protecting. Rally racing shots are cool, and yours look good.
EDIT: Turns out it helps if the external link button is clicked.....