Where O Where has my Smugmug Site Gone?

UNCTEPUNCTEP Registered Users Posts: 61 Big grins
edited September 4, 2008 in SmugMug Support
I'm not seeing my page today - had friends email me that my site was down. I don't know what's going on, I haven't changed anything in a few weeks, and even then it was just uploading more photos.

I can login through the Smugmug home page, and can get to my control panel, but not any of my galleries.

To make things even more confusing to me, pjohnsonphoto.com doesn't pull anything, but the unctep.smugmug.com does at least show my main page, but you can't get anywhere else.

I use IE for most everything, but checked in Firefox too. Same issue, except the unctep.smugmug.com site actually looks worse in Firefox.

Anyone have any ideas? :dunno I'm not all that computer savvy, so I'm hoping there's a simple fix to this.



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