Camera insurance?

I was wondering what type of insurance everyone has on their gear. Since I am starting to collect more and more gear, which seems likely to get more and more expensive, I'd like to be able to replace it all if something should happen to it. Since I don't yet own a home, I can't put it under that. My renters insurance will cover it (to a limit) if it's at home and the building burns down or something like that. But, I don't think it will cover my gear if I'm traveling, which I am doing more and more with my job.
Any suggetions?
Any suggetions?
I think I recall an insurance link online where it even covers rental gear and on scene liability coverage while doing a shoot. Someone here will remember it I am sure!
I have what State Farm calls a "Personal Articles Policy." It costs something like $100 for $10,000 of equipment, no deductible, and covers theft and accidents. I have made two separate claims. The first was when a lens took a nose dive into a rock ($300?) and the second was for another lens which needed some sand removed ($175). State Farm had no trouble paying for either claim. In fact, the guy that handled the second one was ready to buy me a brand new lens until I told him the lens could be cleaned. (I'm still trying to convince myself I did the right thing:)
I am going to look in to this... sounds pretty reasonable
Once I get home I'll post more about this.
Here's a few links from
Also there is one very important factor of State Farm insurance. If I remember correctly if you are using your camera professionally then there is different coverage or they can not cover you, I forgot which. This topic was discussed here at the Nikon site.
Hope this helps,