Bridal Survival Kit?
I'm all about being accomodating, so I came up with an idea to have a little tickle trunk of "too bad I didn't have" things for the bride (and wedding party) A little touch that just shows I really am there for them!
I found a perfect little tickel trunk that is easy to carry, it fits in my camera bag and contains the likes of bobby pins, tape, tums, clear nailpolish, sunscreen, fly repellant, mints, gum, lip gloss (tub, with qtips to apply) advil, tiny bottles of water.
Just wondered if anyone else have done anything similar, and if so what have you put in your trunk!?
I found a perfect little tickel trunk that is easy to carry, it fits in my camera bag and contains the likes of bobby pins, tape, tums, clear nailpolish, sunscreen, fly repellant, mints, gum, lip gloss (tub, with qtips to apply) advil, tiny bottles of water.
Just wondered if anyone else have done anything similar, and if so what have you put in your trunk!?
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You have some great items- add to that list:
-A Tide pen is good for getting out surprise stains/ spills
-A pair of Mens dress socks
-A hand held mirror for looking the bride to see the back of their hair
-Safety pins
-Lint roller (for you- because you will be on the ground to get the perfect shot)
Here is another good reference...there might be some overlap
(toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, tissues, hairspray, static remover, Band-Aids, mints, clear nail polish, bobby pins, double-sided hem tape, stain remover, pain relievers, sewing kit, super glue, brush, dental floss and lotion)
I would also add some - granola bar or crackers, nail clipper, scissors and also some feminine hygiene products...
Or at least that was what my wife made me pack for her when we were getting married 5 years ago....haha
Add a disposable clear paint drop cloth to your bag for the day. Bride can use it to step over dirt, grass. Or you can also make two hles for her feet and it can hold up the dress for walking through areas where she doesn't want to get dirty (like sand at the beach or wet grass - no grass stain!). She can sit on a bench with it under her and a zillion other uses.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Tissues, Safety Pins, small bottle of hairsprary, Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets for the face. I photographed a wedding in May the temp was about 105, I brought a small case of unscented baby wipes that I had in the fridge. It was nice for everyone to freshen up and cool off at the same time!
Oh and andy, duct and scotch tape!
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