Looking for Assistance (7)
Well here I am again without a super clear idea of what to shoot. I really liked some photos I had taken last week in Kenai Fjords National Park. Just not sure if they are theme worthy or not?
1. King of the Hill

2. "Abandon Ship" or maybe "Takeoff Quick the Buffet is Closing"

3. "Dinner Bell" or maybe "Dive Bomb for Desert" ????

Any comments / suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Due to subject nature a reshoot is obviously out of the question.
Thank you,
1. King of the Hill

2. "Abandon Ship" or maybe "Takeoff Quick the Buffet is Closing"

3. "Dinner Bell" or maybe "Dive Bomb for Desert" ????

Any comments / suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Due to subject nature a reshoot is obviously out of the question.
Thank you,
I think #2 and 3 are really great shots but am not sure how well they fit the theme. The birds are flying haphazardly and in all directions thus not giving a sense that they are 'communicating' in their escape plans.
Shot 1 has the lone sea lion calling but everyone else looks bored or asleep. It might work with a tighter crop
Hope that helps,
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what kind is that anyway?
as for the theme, i agree with E, not much communication going on imo...
Also that is a Humpback whale there.