Normal Lens?
I am looking to buy something as close to a "normal" lens as I can for my 40D. I am looking for some recommendations. Should I go with a 35mm to get as close to the normal 50mm or just go with the 50mm and end up with the 80mm it will realistically be?
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Well, a lot of that depends on what you'll be shooting - what is your primary subject matter? What other lenses do you have?
My Website My Blog DPChallenge
Canon 28mm f2.8
Sigma 28mm f1.8
Canon 35mm f2
Sigma 30mm f1.4
Canon 35mm f1.4L
Thanks everyone. I mostly shoot landscapes with some portraits. I currently own the Cannon 10-22mm, 17-85mm IS, 70-300mm IS and the 100mm macro. I also like to shoot night shots with long exposures, I have been using the 17-85 for these but would like a little faster lens moving forward.
Thanks again for all the feedback.