Watermarks and Wallpaper
So in an effort to help promote a portion of my business I am considering using my photography as an advertising engine. Basically, offer (free) wallpaper downloads of certain images with my watermark on them.
Example of what I am thinking of:
I do a shoot for a car owner. I have a section which allows a "right click save as" on a page-the pics I chose to allow this on contain my watermark. This allows the owner to save the image as a desktop background (or possibly share with others) but anyone that sees the image will also see my business name, hence doing some subtle advertising.
Now, I know I *could* be shooting myself in the foot if the watermark is easy to crop out (which it won't be) or if it easy to remove. I will be sure to place it in a way which makes it hard to clone out, and will likely add it myself, prior to uploading, saving it as part of the image rather than a layer. I will place it in an unabtrusive way, but make sure it's not going to be a pic someone would print, rather than buy unwatermarked pics.
Now, the question is-how easy is it really to remove a watermark? I know a truley determined theif will find a way, but they will probably do that somehow anyway, even if I didn't offer a free watermarked download.
Example of what I am thinking of:
I do a shoot for a car owner. I have a section which allows a "right click save as" on a page-the pics I chose to allow this on contain my watermark. This allows the owner to save the image as a desktop background (or possibly share with others) but anyone that sees the image will also see my business name, hence doing some subtle advertising.
Now, I know I *could* be shooting myself in the foot if the watermark is easy to crop out (which it won't be) or if it easy to remove. I will be sure to place it in a way which makes it hard to clone out, and will likely add it myself, prior to uploading, saving it as part of the image rather than a layer. I will place it in an unabtrusive way, but make sure it's not going to be a pic someone would print, rather than buy unwatermarked pics.
Now, the question is-how easy is it really to remove a watermark? I know a truley determined theif will find a way, but they will probably do that somehow anyway, even if I didn't offer a free watermarked download.
My galleries: http://photographz.smugmug.com/
Good luck and would be interested in seeing the final product
Focus on selling images.
Don't worry about infringement until it is a blatant infringement by a party that knows better.
For those that don't know better ask them for a link and credit. You would be surprised by how many will cooperate thus giving you more exposure. :-)