Dragon300ZX and HarryB Go Gator huntin!!!!

So as you all know at the beginning of the month I had the great pleasure of shooting in the wetlands of florida with HarryB. I am still processing all of my florida shots as I am doing them in between other work but here finally are some of the gator shots I promised. I hope you all like them as much as I do. They may be a tad over exposed but well I did that in photoshop prolly ( I have a tendency to like that look for some reason). So here we go
I am driving along (Harry let me drive as the drivers seat offered the best shooting position) and I notice this gator winking at me.

When she sees I am not going to fall for her charm she opens her eye to make sure if I am stupid enough to get out of the car she can get a head start at my legs.

Well after awhile she realizes I'm not getting out and Harry isn't going to move around to the front of the car (he was shooting from next to the passenger fender) so she decides to look for more willing prey.

We drive around some more and as our time is wrapping up we drive up on a large group of birds blocking the road (I had on the 70-300 lense so I couldn't exactly get a shot of the whole scene, A 10mm woulda been great).

Well we roll up closer to try to get better shots and the birds decide to fly to the pond on the other side of the road to get ready for bed.

Well I decide to look back down by the pipe that connects the two ponds where the birds where and I realize I just ruined this poor guys hunt and he doesn't look to happy with me.

When he realizes they aren't coming back he moved to the middle of the pond in hopes of catching a drifting duck or two.

But alas he never did :uhoh and I never got to get a shot of a gator attacking it's prey. All in all we got pretty close up to these guys and I was thrilled. I wanted to get shots of gators and see them in close in the wild. Although they didn't seem to interested in us I couldn't help but make sure I kept my eyes open after that. They may not look it but they are fast and can sneak up on ya if you aren't paying attention. All in all I can't wait to get down there and shoot again with Harry. Hope you all enjoyed these.
I am driving along (Harry let me drive as the drivers seat offered the best shooting position) and I notice this gator winking at me.

When she sees I am not going to fall for her charm she opens her eye to make sure if I am stupid enough to get out of the car she can get a head start at my legs.

Well after awhile she realizes I'm not getting out and Harry isn't going to move around to the front of the car (he was shooting from next to the passenger fender) so she decides to look for more willing prey.

We drive around some more and as our time is wrapping up we drive up on a large group of birds blocking the road (I had on the 70-300 lense so I couldn't exactly get a shot of the whole scene, A 10mm woulda been great).

Well we roll up closer to try to get better shots and the birds decide to fly to the pond on the other side of the road to get ready for bed.

Well I decide to look back down by the pipe that connects the two ponds where the birds where and I realize I just ruined this poor guys hunt and he doesn't look to happy with me.

When he realizes they aren't coming back he moved to the middle of the pond in hopes of catching a drifting duck or two.

But alas he never did :uhoh and I never got to get a shot of a gator attacking it's prey. All in all we got pretty close up to these guys and I was thrilled. I wanted to get shots of gators and see them in close in the wild. Although they didn't seem to interested in us I couldn't help but make sure I kept my eyes open after that. They may not look it but they are fast and can sneak up on ya if you aren't paying attention. All in all I can't wait to get down there and shoot again with Harry. Hope you all enjoyed these.
Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
I was wondering how your shots came out. I see they came out well.
It was great shooting with you and I hope we can do it again.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Nice Series, thanks for sharing
Starting to get a better picture of how nice it is there. Man Gators :wow, that's somethin I definitely won't be finding around here
Colors in your images all look so rich
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