My new, and Last shots, I hope, The Pier and my trip to Italy

I posted this on the Challenge, though I have not checked to see if the horizon needs straightening. I did want to post the pier, before I was ineligible to post piers, as a courtesy issue. I took this today, April 28, Thursday, along with many others. Folly Beach is on the other side of Charleston. Much more hippy than this side. It would have fit my personality perfectly, but when I moved here it was quite far away from any conveniences.
It does have this fishing pier, it hosts dances in the summer. I hope to get to go sometime. Bill has always been working. You know South Carolina invented the shag, or thinks they did, and it is THE dance. I love to watch it.
Anyway, after my mammogram I went out here to finish up, hopefully, with a challenge entry. The light was difficult for me to work with. I ended up over exposing and reducing my exposure almost a full stop. I like my shots, and I have more. These were done hastily, as I said, I have not checked horizons or anything.
Comments are appreciated as there are different approaches to the pier photography, or I should say, under the pier photography. Even looking at the pier photography. Plus there was an interesting house which I would title my trip to Italy.
I doubt, I know, I won't get everything posted this evening, so I hope you stop back. As usual, your comments are important to me, as proved true in the bridge shot.

It does have this fishing pier, it hosts dances in the summer. I hope to get to go sometime. Bill has always been working. You know South Carolina invented the shag, or thinks they did, and it is THE dance. I love to watch it.
Anyway, after my mammogram I went out here to finish up, hopefully, with a challenge entry. The light was difficult for me to work with. I ended up over exposing and reducing my exposure almost a full stop. I like my shots, and I have more. These were done hastily, as I said, I have not checked horizons or anything.
Comments are appreciated as there are different approaches to the pier photography, or I should say, under the pier photography. Even looking at the pier photography. Plus there was an interesting house which I would title my trip to Italy.
I doubt, I know, I won't get everything posted this evening, so I hope you stop back. As usual, your comments are important to me, as proved true in the bridge shot.

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
hoping this message finds you well -Ian
I like the first photo the best of the two but would probably crop out the right side to limit it to the posts and shadows. As a challenge photo, I think it could be stronger if you explored more of the repeating angle possibilities with the shadows vs the posts.
Great work as usual,
P.S. Hope the tests all come back fine.
Sort of like a lair....
You truly are very good, and getting increasingly better all the time! For me, I love the 2nd one best but, that's just my opinion. You know what they say "opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one"! (Hope I didn't offend!)
Be well Gingie, and I hope the mammo is nice and clean!
I like most how the top isn't flat, so the final shape you see is basically a house, like you'd draw as a little kid.
I do have many more examples of "under the pier", alot being like the one here, I mean the cathedral look out to sea. I feel like, know, that almost any day I could go out and take photos almost identicle to the cathedral look, as long as the tide and the weather cooporate, and that could be a personal theme, too. Alot of miles on my car, but I could do "Under the pier, summer, winter, high tide, rain, hurricane. Etc.
The first one I probably would never be able to get again. And it adds the human factor, I like that. Also the beach is practically empty, that is unusual, maybe it has to do with the fact that the kids are still in school and people are not traveling.
I think one of my greatest frustations with this challenge is the "interpretation" of the challenge subject.
As far as cropping, I have plenty of those. I would not need to crop this one, just use one of those. There is a cathedral type one, a horizontal that I liked in RAW, it incorporates the cathedral with the ocean, I think, and I plan to work that up as far as a few others.
Thanks for commenting. When you see that I have bumped this back up to the top, please look again. I do plan on adding photos through out the day.
I have fruit, too, including my trip to Italy, and more of the bridge. All of which have patterns.
I wish I had some way to meet everyone's comments.............they are all so different, IMO. Tight pattern vs perfect shot, and everything in between.
I'm leaning more towards the first shot but for this challenge crop off the man on the right. It'll focus attention to the pier and the shadows, cos the shadows are really cool.
the 2nd is nice, but I'd want to see a greater DoF, it just looks soft.
my stuff is here.....
This is my entry. I have other ones of the cathedral look, many, some softer which I delete as I find them and some probably much sharper. I changed the depth of field many times. I played with it. I took this pier from many perspectives. This is my favorite. I worked it up alot in RAW, then touched it up a bit in levels and saturation, just a tad. I did no shadows/highlights, I thought about doing no sharpening, it didn't seem to need any, but I ended up doing it Rutt's long way with layers.
I wish I could have pleased everyone, including myself, please still make comments, I am. I may even post more here. But this is my favorite. It incorporates the repititious patterns heavily and just adds the human element. To me it is a lighter picture with a whimsical side. That plays on my senses. I hope someone gets the enjoyment from it that I do. This same scene will never be like this again. Those children will grow up somewhere besides on the beach. It is, to me, a very good "get". The patterns take over 3/4s of the photo or more. I borrowed the idea of children and their imagination from someone who posted, humungus I think. Thank you all.
Folly Beach, South Carolina, USA 2005
Children on the beach as seen from under the pier........
"cast your eyes ahead and to the side"
Have a great day and weekend.
I have photography all weekend, but not this.
A nature seminar tomorrow, and a baptism shoot
on Sunday.
Great eye, Great job
I am discovering the truth most of us know, but tend to forget.........when it is dry, it can be very dry...................but when it rains, it often pours.
I, uh, have more patterns and repetitions. A Peacock, of all things. This is the time of year birds mate and raise their young. Wait til you all see some of this, if I can stay up long enough to post a shot or two.
And I have no idea what to do, I absolutely love my beach shot. So if you all see the peacock, well, comments might help, or not.:D
g (I just got in from a very long day, most of it at the seminar, but I did escape to Barnes and Noble a bit before coming home. The seminar was the most exhausting thing I have done so far. Everything hurt before, now...............)
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
You now have 3 choices ................... will this ever stop :uhoh
And the last peacock shot, says "Pick me , Pick ME".
Now I have to go and feel bad about my ever sinking "FLY"
My Galleries
The problem is a flaw here or there narrows it, but then I have more than that.
I love the pier shot. I can't imagine that this would not make an excellent entry, the peacock. But I love the pier shot, and actually, artistically, I did have more to do with that.
Birds are shameless at this time of year, and bright plumage is one way to work it.
ginger (too bad this ends tomorrow, I can't make a decision today, I don't think. Gotta get coffee.)
ginger (and I do see the humor. love your response. am going to find a rookery and hide in it after tomorrow.)
Beautiful birds. The first one seems a little OOF at the eye. Despite the plumage, I am still drawn to the eye which does not seem sharp enough. The second one is a beauty. Have you tried to lighten (burn) the eye area a little? It seems a little too dark. The second one would be a great entry, but I think your pier shot is a winner.
I am going to have to put prices on my stuff today.