Thumbnails mixed (square & other) in gallery

I'm sure there have been threads about this, but can't find them. I uploaded some pix to a gallery, then customized & chose square thumbs. Later when I added more pix, some or all of them never switched to squares-- they remained rectangular. So now I have a mixed gallery. I've tried re-customizing and saving it, but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? Must we make a choice at a certain point in customizing and stick with it? Site is & affected gallery is under "Travel" tab, then "The Carolinas", then "Chimney Rock State Park"
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
If you just set the gallery settings to square thumbs, it can take a little while for them all to change. I'm not sure if you just did this or if it has been awhile.
You have the gallery settings right -- set to square thumbs. If you have used a Quick Setting, and then applied that Quick Setting to several galleries at once, the bulk square thumbs is not working. We're aware of this and hope to have that fixed soon.
You can also click on Photo Tools, then Adjust Thumbnails, select all your images, check square thumbs, and save.
If you still have problems, let us know. I just checked your gallery again, and more of the thumbs are square, so it appears to be working okay in the background.
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Am I reading this correctly? Applying Quick Settings after creating a gallery should include bulk setting of thumbnails back to original?
This would be *great*.
(Of course it would be greater still if you could select a Quick Setting as one of your defaults so that I don't have to go through this nonsense of telling all of my guest uploaders to remember to select the right Quick Setting when creating new galleries. And this isn't even possible if they're using any of the third-party uploaders like Picasa or MacDaddy since Quick Settings aren't accessible via the API. :P)
Hey no fair! MacDaddy *does* support Quick Settings! Ok, so it's an in-house developed uploader, but I would expect that they wouldn't get to use special undocumented hooks for uploading. :-/
It's a known bug. We can't tell you any more. Our engineers are aware of it. Right now there's nothing else we can do about it. Sorry.
SmugMug Support Hero
Hey Sebastian --
No worries. I'm just happy to see that this is noted as a bug. I wasn't sure you guys considered it as such since there *is* an Adjust Thumbnails option that provides a workaround (albeit one album at a time).
I don't know where I got the idea that the API doesn't support Quick Settings. I guess I was just looking for the words "quick" or "settings" instead of: smugmug.albumtemplates.get
Ok, can the Picasa uploader *puhleeeeeze* be updated to support Quick Settings?
*Bump* -- I have parents using a Guest Password to upload to my son's preschool site all the time. They consistently forget to set the Quick Settings (or are using MacDaddy or Picasa or other uploaders that do not support Quick Settings), and so I end up with square thumbnails.
I hate square thumbnails, almost as much as I hate having to click so many dang times to fix them for multiple albums at once.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Apply Quick Settings that contains Original-orientation Thumbnails to multiple galleries
2) Go back to those galleries
3) Apply same Quick Setting one gallery at a time.
Expected behavior:
So bulk application of Quick Settings does not set Original orientation properly. This is a known bug.
If you go back into a specific gallery and reapply the Quick Setting to just that gallery, orientation should then get set properly.
Actual behavior:
Orientation *still* does not get set properly