We finally need "social" features in SmugMug!

SmugMug is so good. The site has way better select content than most other sites. It's navigation is superb, the interface is beautiful and intuitive.
But the whole thing SERIOUSLY lacks some of the "social" features that other sites like Flickr offer. Why did I put the social into ""? Because I couldn't find a better word. So here is what I think is missing BADLY:
Interaction between users, other than through DGrin forums. Each user's gallery page looks like a separated entity. There is no obvious path to related or similar galleries.
There is no possibility to make a photo or even a whole gallery a "favorite" or bookmark. I rate a picture because I like it, but I will never get back to it again unless I put a bookmark into my browser. Which is separated from SmugMug in a way. Why not have a SmugMug bookmark feature, so that I have my favorites right where they belong, right at the SmugMug page?
We need a "friends" or "contacts" feature, so we can keep track about what happens in our favorite photographer's galleries. I want to be able to subscribe to a gallery or a person so I can follow what's happening there. Are there new interesting pictures?
Things like that. You get the point.
What do you think?
SmugMug is so good. The site has way better select content than most other sites. It's navigation is superb, the interface is beautiful and intuitive.
But the whole thing SERIOUSLY lacks some of the "social" features that other sites like Flickr offer. Why did I put the social into ""? Because I couldn't find a better word. So here is what I think is missing BADLY:
Interaction between users, other than through DGrin forums. Each user's gallery page looks like a separated entity. There is no obvious path to related or similar galleries.
There is no possibility to make a photo or even a whole gallery a "favorite" or bookmark. I rate a picture because I like it, but I will never get back to it again unless I put a bookmark into my browser. Which is separated from SmugMug in a way. Why not have a SmugMug bookmark feature, so that I have my favorites right where they belong, right at the SmugMug page?
We need a "friends" or "contacts" feature, so we can keep track about what happens in our favorite photographer's galleries. I want to be able to subscribe to a gallery or a person so I can follow what's happening there. Are there new interesting pictures?
Things like that. You get the point.
What do you think?
Just started to build my SmugMug galleries:
is this not what communities are for :
Wedding Photographer Dublin
Maybe, but I still can't find any direct user interaction. It's just a different way to browse the site and have pictures categorized. I am not able to mark a picture as a favorite to find it again (browse all my favorites). I still can't mark a photographer I like as a contact to stay tuned to his work.
Just started to build my SmugMug galleries:
I'm definitely not opposed to what you're suggesting... as long as it's optional!
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
I agree with you, I'll stick to forums (like dgrin
It probably comes down to the level of the account - I'd bet the pro users don't want any more social stuff (because we've done our best to eliminate what was already there) and the basic users would prefer more social stuff. Not sure where I think the Power Users would fall, though.
And very cool subject to photograph!
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This is great and I am probably goign to use it.
However, it's still out of the site. You need to use something external, it is not integrated.
I also understand pilotdave's position. So yes, make it optional. And a bookmark/favorite feature would still be very welcome!
Just started to build my SmugMug galleries:
Yup, I use a keyword search box on my keyword pages, but I don't like it as a complete search replacement because it is so literal. I also like to have something that will search captions and gallery names.
I think the search tool needs a lot of work... and one of the changes should be the option to disable the "all smugmug photos" link from appearing in search results. This helps prevent my site from looking like it's part of a big photography social network... exactly the opposite of the feature request in this thread.
It sure is!
My viewers are not smugmug users.
if it's optional - I don't bother... IF IT IS...
but I for one am not keen on all those social-networking tools like facebook, flickr, and whatever else....
never have been, and quite possibly never will be.
I'm only replying because of what recently seems to becoming a bit "trendy" at smug mug, to add featuers which I can't selectivly activate or deactivate (such as the dedicated iPhone website (yourname.smugmug.com/iphone) or the RSS feeds...
I'd hate having even more "social" features forced upon me.
Don't get me wrong, for 60% of my work I don't mind comments or ratings... but for at least 40% I don't need "interaction"...
Nikon | Private Photojournalist