Need some pricing advice for first shoot
I just had someone email me about shooting some photos of stone and metal work they did for displays at a local spa. He visited my site and liked it and emailed me. I haven't done any paid photography yet but really want to start so I want to take advantage of this opportunity. I haven't asked what all is involved, but sounds like a couple hours of shooting these displays so he can show clients work that he has done.
He asked for pricing, does anyone have any recommendations? I was thinking of charging $75/hr, minimum of 2 hours. Should I charge a flat rate for this job instead, since it isn't really an event? What is reasonable for something like this? I'm thinking I would give him all the digital copies and he can use as he sees fit.
He asked for pricing, does anyone have any recommendations? I was thinking of charging $75/hr, minimum of 2 hours. Should I charge a flat rate for this job instead, since it isn't really an event? What is reasonable for something like this? I'm thinking I would give him all the digital copies and he can use as he sees fit.
Once you have all that, estimate (in your mind - no reason you need to involve the client in these thoughts) the size/time/effort involved in getting the job done. Add 10 - 20%. Multiply that by what you would like to get for your time.
Maybe Ziggy will chime in here - he's been a product photographer for quite a while and would be able to offer up much more expert opinion.
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