Link from one gallery to another

I would like a visitor to click from one gallery to another via a link, on the page, without taking them to my homepage.
I'm sorry if this has been covered I just can't seem to find any references.
Thank you,
I'm sorry if this has been covered I just can't seem to find any references.
Thank you,
If you'd like to see an example of a link in a gallery description, take a look at one of my galleries - The description contains two links.
Use <a href= html statement to embed the link.
Here's an example from the gallery that I pointed to above:
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Hmmm. I think I found your site to see how you have it organized: To further explain to folks. It looks like you are using hide owner so people don't easily find your other galleries, but you now want them to be able to see a few galleries. I presume you send them a link to a specific gallery now and, because of hide owner, that's all they generally can see.
In addition to Denise's suggsetion of placing a link in the gallery description, you might also check out sharegroups which are designed to allow you to share multiple galleries that aren't otherwise categorized together. In fact, galleries shared via a sharegroup can even be unlisted galleries.
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Always include a link to your site when posting a question
If your interested I'll post the code cuz I have no idea where I found the tut to do it. Lemme know.
The downside to it is that every time you add a gallery you have to update the drop down menu in all the other galleries but that's just a copy and paste operation.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Denise, Yes I am chosing to hide owner on certain galleries but am learning the disadvantages of this. It is becoming obvious to me I need to refine my smug organization skills to my advantage. Also, thanks John for the sharegroups idea, I hadn't considered that.
Thanks for the info. There are so many endless possibilities. And thanks to the Dgrin moderators for moving my post from the other forum. I should have started here...
Been planning on trying it on my website when I find some time!
*DIV align="center">
*form name="jump">
*select name="menu" onChange="[].value;" value="GO" style="#000000:''; color: #FFFFFF; font-style: italic; border: 0px solid; background: #325d8b">
*option value="">Quick Gallery Links*/option>
*option value="/gallery/4372113_cuDHA">Home*/option>
*option value="/gallery/3894135_z5RqV#P-1-15">Beach & Seascapes*/option>
*option value="/gallery/3894248_EzXsm#P-1-15">Surfing & Surfers*/option>
*option value="/gallery/3894212_WtZ3w#P-1-15">Coastal Wildlife*/option>
*option value="/gallery/3894224_fvVH8#P-1-15">Ships & Boats*/option>
Replace all the *'s with <'s ... it's the only way I could figure out how to prevent the code from executing. I'm sure there's a better way.
Obviously, substitute your own gallery addresses and text. You can also tweak the alignment, and font characteristics, etc to your own liking.
In the mean time, thanks to Marlowe, I think I generated the code from this site which RichW referred me to. Check it out. You can also check the link she provided.
Hope this helps.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Thank You! I'll try it in the morning when I have some time to mess with it. I think this may solve some of the navigation issues I am causing myself in attempting to do this. I'll let you know and thanks again.
Thank again. It appears to work great except when I am logged into my homepage it messes with my control panel button. I think somehow I need to put more separation between the header and those buttons. I'll try to get some advice or experiments. Thanks again. Carden
BTW, what part of NYS are you from. I have family there.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Give it a div name so some bottom margin can be added.
Change the bold in your header
<div align="center">
<form name="jump">
to this
<div id="myMenu">
<form name="jump">
Add this to your CSS
#myMenu {
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 20px;
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Just saw your reply Chuck. Sorry. i'll try your suggestion. I'm just getting used to this board. I chose email notification when i get a reply but I guess I need to go back and make sure everything is right. I'm not getting any.
BTW, Upstate southern Adirondack region. North of a little town called St. Johnsville.