Guestbook Comments - Not Wrking
I dont understand why my guest book will not accept the spam code - I did get it to work once on my computer at work - but neither of the two computers I have at home can type the code correctly. . . it all started because a friend tried to leave on and it wouldnt accept it - and it doesnt seem that I can get it to work either
I can leave a comment on my old site - but the new one wont accept the spam code
Help please this is very frustrating
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I can leave a comment on my old site - but the new one wont accept the spam code
Help please this is very frustrating
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Try clearing your cache, closing and reopening your browser.
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did it twice, re booted, still it says the code doesnt match
but i can leave a comment on my other site just fine
could I have done something when I set the page up ?
Ok so I remove the comments option on the gallery and then closed everything and reinstalled - seems to be working now. . .
Well it worked at the office but refuses to work at home
argh !!!