Sharegroups - YEAH!!!
Yeah!!! Way to go Smugmug! Sharegroups are now navigable. I love it!
T H A N K Y O U ! ! ! ! !
If anyone would like to know what I'm talking about, try clicking here:
It used to be that if you clicked on any subfolder and then clicked around within the images of that subfolder, you had NO WAY OUT of that folder, except to use the BACK button. Because if you clicked on the breadcrumb at the top of the screen, you'd be left with an "empty screen" (because all of the folders are private). Now you can navigate from one folder to the next and it all works!
T H A N K Y O U ! ! ! ! !
If anyone would like to know what I'm talking about, try clicking here:
It used to be that if you clicked on any subfolder and then clicked around within the images of that subfolder, you had NO WAY OUT of that folder, except to use the BACK button. Because if you clicked on the breadcrumb at the top of the screen, you'd be left with an "empty screen" (because all of the folders are private). Now you can navigate from one folder to the next and it all works!
I wonder if that could be improved upon? Remove the other two subfolders from the breadcrumbs???
Are you sure that you're seeing actual sharegroup navigation? is not a sharegroup. is a sharegroup and when you go into that and then open one of the galleries, I see the actual breadcrumb from your site, nothing to do with actual sharegroup navigation.
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Click on Newlyweds. Now look at the Breadcrumb and this is what you see:
David Terry > Matt and Marissa > Weddings > Matt and Marissa > Newlyweds
The first link is to my site. The next one is the SHAREGROUP (this is new and makes the folders navigable, YEAH!), the next two are no longer necessary and create confusion by their existence (because, as I said, my folders are private so they see nothing when the click on them). So my suggestion is to remove the last two folders.
What I expected you were talking about is that you go to a sharegroup. You go into a gallery in the sharegroup and there you have breadcrumb navigation for the sharegroup itself. In other words, you can click on the parent and be back at the sharegroup level. Is that the case here - I don't see it. The breadcrumb appears to just be your gallery structure and there is no way to get back to the sharegroup itself once you've gone into a gallery other than using the back button.
Real navigation for the sharegroup would allow it to function like a mini-site all by itself with the top level of the navigation and breadcrumb being the sharegroup itself. Then you could send out a sharegroup URL with a zillion galleries and one could easily navigate through all the galleries just like they would a top level site. I don't see that with your sharegroup.
What are seeing that is new?
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Click on Newlyweds. Now look at the Breadcrumb and this is what you see:
David Terry > Matt and Marissa > Weddings > Matt and Marissa > Newlyweds
The first link is to my site. The next one is the SHAREGROUP (this is new and makes the folders navigable, YEAH!). The next two links are links that existed before this latest update that smugmug created.
In other words, they inserted #2 link. It did NOT used to exist.
Q. What happens when you click on #2?
A. It takes you back to the top of the Matt and Marissa Share Group. You can now drill down into any of the other folders.
To experience the old way it was working, IGNORE link #2 and try to navigate amongst the links. In other words do this:
1) Click on
2) Click on Newlyweds
3) Click a few of the images in that folder.
4) Now attempt to go see the "Cutting the Cake" folder. If you ignore link #2, how do you get there? Clicking on the 4th link shows No Galleries! Clicking on the 3rd link shows nothing to do with Matt and Marrisa, clicking on the first link takes you back to my site with no visible means of finding your way back to Matt and Marissa's galleries.
In other words, without this NEW ADDITION of link #2 on the bread crumb ... the only way to navigate the gallery was to hit the browser "back" button, or re-type the URL, or save it to your bookmarks. None of these are good ideas.
So what I'm celebrating is the addition of link #2 to the breadcrumb.
And what I'm asking for is the possibility of getting rid of links 3 and 4 which only serve to confuse the customer.
By the way, I literally have HUNDREDS of folders like this on my system. Every wedding has a share group. Every share group has a set of folders. All of those folders are private. All of them exist under the Weddings category. But none of them are visible to anyone who doesn't know the URL of the sharegroup to get them in. I like this. It avoids having hundreds of visible folders that people can wander through (if they were public) or bang their heads against (if I put a password on them). Smugmug's sharegroup idea is awesome. And this addition of being able to navigate the folders of a sharegroup finally completes the implementation. I like it.
Cool. I was confused by all the other things in the breadcrumb. Why is it five deep? I don't understand what all the other things in the structure are.
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Refering back to this set to help visualize the answer:
David Terry > Matt and Marissa > Weddings > Matt and Marissa > Newlyweds
1) My site
2) The share group
3) The category in which the images reside
4) The subcategory in which the images reside
Links 3 and 4 are only useful to me, because I am logged into my site and have full access to see all of the hidden folders. But to a customer, links 3 and 4 are useless because they see very little in link 3 and nothing at all in link 4.
I agree. Links 3 and 4 are what threw me off. I'm wondering why did Smugmug put them there? They aren't part of the sharegroup structure. Weird. I thought a sharegroup was a flat list of galleries.
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However, I only have a basic account, so I don't know what other sort of customizations that switch might disable.
Cool, and indeed it does! I'm going through and making the changes now.
(umm, wait... I have HUNDREDS of folders to make changes on)
Oh wait! This won't work at all....
Sure, it gets rid of the two extra links. But it also gets rid of the link to my home page. In others, it cancels any "marketing benefit" there might be of bringing the friends and family of the wedding couple to my web site to see their pictures.
That's not good at all. After being impressed with the pictures, I want the friends and family to go find out "who I am" and how I might do "their wedding". So I really need that link back to my site.
So really, we just need to get rid of links 3 and 4 because they are of no use to anyone but me. (to smugmug developers: if you want to turn them on when I'm logged into the site, that's fine, but the customer shouldn't see them)
There's still a user link on the sharegroup page, if that's any consolation...