Yet another exif question

I've been searching in here to try and find this, but 45 minutes and 2 bug-eyes later I still can't find the answer. Sorry if I somehow missed it ....
How does one link exif information if you're not using smugmug, or is that the only way? By all means point me to a prior discussion that I've missed... I can easily view my exif in paintshop pro, but I don't know how to harvest/post it from there (is a screen shot .jpg w/the exif and image both open considered sufficient proof? I can easily do that)
(Yes, I'm now SERIOUSLY considering taking the plunge... I figure after 3 days of obsessing over this glass, I might as well! ::butt slithers further down previously safe observation wall:: )
How does one link exif information if you're not using smugmug, or is that the only way? By all means point me to a prior discussion that I've missed... I can easily view my exif in paintshop pro, but I don't know how to harvest/post it from there (is a screen shot .jpg w/the exif and image both open considered sufficient proof? I can easily do that)
(Yes, I'm now SERIOUSLY considering taking the plunge... I figure after 3 days of obsessing over this glass, I might as well! ::butt slithers further down previously safe observation wall:: )
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Post a shot or two and I'll see if I can see the exif and post back...
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
Thanks. I was actually just about to post to the submission thread attaching a .jpg of the screenshot of the exif info (in Picasa) of the final edited picture (which includes the original shoot date from the camera), but I'll check out opanda too (I can always go back and edit alternative info if necessary).
Thanks for the response. Anybody else?
Your idea should work fine. If the site where your pics are hosted does not have an option on it to view EXIF, there's probably nothing else you can do other than capture the data locally on your computer and paste it. If it does have an option, then you might be able to copy the link of the button (or whatever) you click to get the EXIF data and paste it as a link into your post. Give us a link to a gallery and we can try it.
I just submitted - I linked to the exif jpg (on its own - because it's a separate window, a "prntscreen" command ONLY captures that "top window", but the filename is clearly there), but I also notice that picasaweb (where the picture is located), DOES have a "further info" button, which includes the date as part of the exif info they list *after* you click "further info" (rh side). So presumably that means I'm covered...?