Chinese Yangzee River delta shot from 100 miles up...
well, really, it's a Florida coastal mud-flat shot from about 20 feet up.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
My you have a "Vivid" imagination
Well thought up!!! and executed!!
Burleson, Texas
This scene reminded me of those shots you see from satellites when they fly over river basin areas. This mud-flat you see is something I cross when walking on my pier toward the navigable-water dock at the end. At high tide, there's 4 feet of water covering the flat.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Well, you pretty well pegged it right. That's the real color of the stuff. Only myself and a few of my neighbors have this color of mud in front of their places...the rest of it along our stretch of land is more of the darker brown looking stuff.
I fell off the pier and into this crap last year. I sunk into it about 1 1/2 to 2 feet. I couldn't climb out onto the pier ( too high ) and had to make my way through about 60 feet of it to reach shore. I went straight to my outside shower and spent a good 10 - 15 minutes getting clean. It doesn't particularly stink....other than having a typical marsh odor...but, by God, it clings to you like super glue. I didn't even try to clean my clothes...threw them all out.