Help... Resize Longest Edge??

Ok, call me stupid but i was using some software a while back that had a batch process feature i really liked. the user could tell how long the longest edge would be and the process resized portrait or landscape images approperately.
my problem is i cannot remember what program that is... i have checked on Photoshop CS3, Bridge CS3, Lightroom 1.4, Elements 4, DDP, BreezeBrowser and i cannot find this feature on any of them. :dunno
do you know what program i am looking for? :scratch
my problem is i cannot remember what program that is... i have checked on Photoshop CS3, Bridge CS3, Lightroom 1.4, Elements 4, DDP, BreezeBrowser and i cannot find this feature on any of them. :dunno
do you know what program i am looking for? :scratch
Brian C. Gailey, Owner / Operator
Digital Illusions Photography & Design
1764 Shawna Ct, Klamath Falls OR, 97603
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"The Race is long but in the end it is only with yourself" ~Unknown
Digital Illusions Photography & Design
1764 Shawna Ct, Klamath Falls OR, 97603
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"The Race is long but in the end it is only with yourself" ~Unknown
Automate -> Fit Image in Photoshop does exactly what you describe, just give it square dimensions. It will resize so that the longer edge matches the size.
Lightroom's export resizing works in the same way with Width&Height and also has Short and Long Edge modes.
In Bridge, it can be found under Tools->Photoshop->Image Processor. First highlight one or more photos, then run the script.
In the Section #3 (File Type), you can select the check box "resize to fit". Put the same pixel length for both the Width and the Height, and all your photos will have the same longest length, regardless of orientation.
The same script can be run within Photoshop under File->Scripts->Image Processor.
Lightroom 2 has the same ability under Export. Didn't ever use version 1, but I assume it was there too.
Digital Illusions Photography & Design
1764 Shawna Ct, Klamath Falls OR, 97603
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"The Race is long but in the end it is only with yourself" ~Unknown
Sounds exactly like Irfanview to me. I always use their batch processor to get my shots ready for online posting. Their batch works very fast.
Here it is (free):
California Photo Scout
Travel Guides
Look like I am going to need to do this to a lot of my images please explain your work flow and was this in LR 1.4?
Thank You
Simply place a check in that box and choose Long Edge from the pull down menu next to it. You can then input the desired length and unit of measure.
i could not find this option in LR 1.4 after i installed the update of LR 1.4.1 i then found the option.
but yes, like mentioned above, it is in the export feature.
Digital Illusions Photography & Design
1764 Shawna Ct, Klamath Falls OR, 97603
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"The Race is long but in the end it is only with yourself" ~Unknown
Thanks to both of is appreciated.