New idea for #8

Because apparently this is like potato chips, and you can't have just one...;)
This is a starting point - I want to try again and fix some of the things I don't like, but... Thoughts? Worth pursuing?
This is a starting point - I want to try again and fix some of the things I don't like, but... Thoughts? Worth pursuing?

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but this is like you say...another potato chip...
dont be surprised if it has no wow factor to the judges...
i myself feel like my entry also may be lacking in who am i to say.....but it the risks we take eh...?
i think you are new to lps /dss? if so fyi the piano has been done again and again...
Thanks for the comment - I'm encouraged that the picture is solid enough that you jumped straight to comment on "wow factor" instead of more basics! I'm only in this thing because certain people (you know who you are!) were ::ahem:: so persuasive that they prodded me into the arena from the sidelines, so it's definitely a "training round" for me with no expectations of any kind - I'll definitely be happy if I can manage sharp, relatively well lit and not actually laugh-out-loud embarassing!
That said, yes, it is a bit banal - I did kind of wonder if it was "just another piano picture" - I figured there have been zillions of them before! I may continue to play around with it anyway; good practice for me, if nothing else
Who around here would do that?
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."