Cool Globes at Crissy Field, San Francisco, CA

We haven't been to the "city" in awhile. It was foggy and gloomy so we decided to check out Crissy Field and see what was happening. We actually escaped into some sunlight. I saw a bunch of globes, got out and photographed a few of them. After coming home and checking Flickr, one of my local area contacts posted two globes. Upon visiting the webiste I saw that the exhibit will close on October 13th. Here's one sample globe. I need to go back and photograph some more. These are not as pretty as the Hearts of San Francisco, but a neat concept, nevertheless.

I've since gone to the website and googled cool globes for more information. Turns out two artists from my town did a globe and our local paper never picked it up, nor did our local website. This has got to have been the most under publicized events ever.
My grandson wants to go see them, so I'll be able to get some more globes. There are also some by the Warming Hut, a favorite place to go anyway.
There's a neat one by AT&T ball park too, a baseball but instead of signatures it's words like recycle, etc.
Jeff Meyers