Junk keywords - bug or not?
A while ago there was a discussion about automatic keywords being added to images based on filenames. In my case, my filenames come out of the camera JF2_xxxx.NEF which turns into JF2_xxxx.JPG when I upload. When Smugmug digests these photos, it makes a keyword from the number in the filename and assigns it to that image. When I then want to go use keywords, I've got this junk and meaningless keyword of every image I uploaded. This is really not useful and quite gets in the way of the intended use of real keywords.
I can't seem to find out whether there was every any actual resolution of the discussion before, so I'd like to inquire whether this is something Smugmug will fix/change. In my opinion, filenames of the form ABC_NNNN.JPG should not create a keyword from either the letters in ABC or the numbers in NNNN. At a minimum, not keywords should be added that are entirely numbers. Further, there are probably many users who don't want any keywords automatically added to their images. I, myself, take care of my keywording in Lightroom and don't want Smugmug messing with it at all.
Can someone speak to whether this is something that is going to get fixed? Or, is even considered a bug?
For a whole gallery that shows this issue, go here: http://friend.smugmug.com/gallery/5930490_pTzo4. For some reason, the junk keywords are't showing in the gallery, but they show whenever I go to edit them. This has me thoroughly confused.
I can't seem to find out whether there was every any actual resolution of the discussion before, so I'd like to inquire whether this is something Smugmug will fix/change. In my opinion, filenames of the form ABC_NNNN.JPG should not create a keyword from either the letters in ABC or the numbers in NNNN. At a minimum, not keywords should be added that are entirely numbers. Further, there are probably many users who don't want any keywords automatically added to their images. I, myself, take care of my keywording in Lightroom and don't want Smugmug messing with it at all.
Can someone speak to whether this is something that is going to get fixed? Or, is even considered a bug?
For a whole gallery that shows this issue, go here: http://friend.smugmug.com/gallery/5930490_pTzo4. For some reason, the junk keywords are't showing in the gallery, but they show whenever I go to edit them. This has me thoroughly confused.
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Your post made me go check mine because I was another one complaining about the junk keywords. I've been keeping an eye on my keyword page so I didn't catch it before - Sure enough, if I "edit keywords" the junk keywords show for my files. They do not show on my "All Keywords" page, nor do they appear to do be searchable.
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Yeah, when I originally wrote my posting, I didn't realize that they don't seem to actually show. If they are never really active in any keyword searches, then it's not as much of a problem as I originally thought, but still odd and not something I want.
One problem is they are not easy to get rid of unless you have no other keywords. If you have none, you can just clear everything, but if you have other keywords and each junk keyword is different, then the only way to get rid of them is to manually select and delete on each image (in the bulk edit screen).
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I guess the reason I'm asking now is that that was a thread that never really had a conclusion. What is the Smugmug plan?
I don't know the whole history of how it used to work (or do I really care). I just don't want it adding junk keywords based on my filenames.
For my purposes (though others probably have different issues), I just want it to stop adding keywords from the filename that are purely numeric. They are just clutter to me. Something did change since that thread and I am no longer getting the three letter prefix (JLF or JF1 or JF2 in my cameras) as keywords so that's progress. Now, I just want the numeric keywords to stop being added.
Andy, I decided to post in that original thread since maybe the Smugmug contributors to that thread will see it.
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