Hip hip hooray - I finally get how to work with layers!!

I understood the *concept* of "stacked transparencies", but could NOT for the life of me figure out *how* to manipulate each layer.
It had never been fully explained that you need to use a black or white brush and ONLY a black or white brush to manipulate the masking and adjustments.
If you don't know that small but salient fact, it is incredibly frustrating!
This tutorial did a great job of clarifying it for me - I'll post it here in case it helps anybody else (and if somebody here did it, THANKS!)
Finally! I get it!! :barb:beer:ivar
It had never been fully explained that you need to use a black or white brush and ONLY a black or white brush to manipulate the masking and adjustments.
If you don't know that small but salient fact, it is incredibly frustrating!
This tutorial did a great job of clarifying it for me - I'll post it here in case it helps anybody else (and if somebody here did it, THANKS!)
Finally! I get it!! :barb:beer:ivar
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Photoshop has lots of little tricks, that are actually rather easy once you see EACH and every detail of each step, but if one little detail is omitted, it can be difficult, especially for beginners, to keep from getting dropped.
Layers are very powerful tools, but many of the comprehensive texts do a less than spectacular job of explaining them to beginners. I am glad you have "seen the light" so to speak. You not only can use the Brush with black or white, but also with shades of gray, and with various blending modes as well. WOW!!
Once you get the hang of layers, life without them seems rather flat........
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin