Copyright on challenge entry?

Rule #8 in the Dgrin Challenges states "Watermarks: Photos may not exhibit branding or watermarks at any time during the entry period and until all judging for that round is complete. A small signature and copyright at the bottom of the image are encouraged." I have created an action the puts my copyright in the top right hand corner. Will that DQ my entry in the DGrin Challennge?
BSharp (Raindrops keep falling on my head...) entry in #8
BSharp (Raindrops keep falling on my head...) entry in #8

Brad Sharp
Sorry, It's in Challenge #8, pg. 2, entry #19 as of now. I also added it to my original post.
Brad Sharp
log out and look yourself, its what i always do just to make sure all is well...
log out of dgrin & your website
that will for sure get you DQed
OK - I am totally confused!
I closed all of my browser windows, opened up a new one, went to the DGrin challenge page, found my entry and I was able to see it just fine. I then clicked on the image and it brought up a page that only had my EXIF information on it. Here is the web site it brings up for me when I wasn't logged in:
I know I was logged out because I had to log back in when I tried to respond to this thread.
Since you were able to click on my photo, and you said it's not linking to photo info, does that mean you are able to see my entry now?
Brad Sharp
i think your links are not set right in your gallery website settings
You need to turn on external linking in the gallery for the image to be seen here.
Here is what your entry currently looks like to everyone else trying to view it:
As for the link in the contest thread to the is to your homepage. The link you posted to your exif here is working correctly and goes to the right exif page.
I think what Aaron is trying to get at is that when you are the owner of the are able to see the cached picture no matter where you put it. But everyone else cannot see it...most likely because of the ext. links being turned off.
yeah...what he said.
I was going crazy. I had even gone to another computer, didn't log in to DGrin, and I was still able to see my image, and EXIF image when I clicked on it. But then again, it was my wife's computer and I guess it was cached as well. I had just finished reading Aaron's link that talks about him having the same problem and how you have to have the External Linking checked 'Yes', when I got the rest of the confirming emails.
Thanks everyone for being so patient with me. I now have 'Hello World', 'Hello Smuggers', and 'External Links' all yes. I have 'Protected' and 'Watermarking' set to No.
Can everyone see it now?
If so, back to my original question. Is the copyrigt in the top right hand corner OK, or does it have to be on the bottom?
Tanks again, so much
Brad Sharp
FWIW, I wanted protect my gallery, too, but protecting it and turning on ext. links still created the problem of others not being able to see it. I had to UNprotect my gallery, but UNlist it - then left the ext. links ON and it's OK now.
Protect: locks it down, only gallery owner(or person w/password) can view images - external links not viewable.
Unlisted: keeps images viewable in external links, but does not list the gallery for viewers to view in your smugmug.
Thanks Aaron.
Are you also able to link to the EXIF Info? I had it embedded in the image, so it came up when you clicked the image. I just put a link to my web page below the photo because I saw a lot of other people also had their web page and other individual information on their entries. But maybe - I'm guessing - it was part of their signature.
Anyway, thanks again.
Brad Sharp
I actually want my gallery to be viewable to everyone. And I normally have the External Link set you 'Yes', and I really don't know how it got set to 'No'. I think maybe it's a conspiracy by a radical group of Model T owners who didn't want to see an old neglected car portrayed that way
Brad Sharp
what i mean is do it like everyone else so there is no question that you have posted exif info....
It works along with your exif...but you might want to mention in your post that its imbedded into the photo...just so there is no misunderstanding from the judges in where its at.
geez i am slow today!
Done - as suggested! Thanks,
Brad Sharp