Simple question
My friend Dave works in construction and take photos showing job progress, and various issues pertaining to the job. He really can benefit by having the camera date, and time stamp the image.
He has a Canon 30D. Do you know if the 30D has this feature, and if so how to access it?
He has a Canon 30D. Do you know if the 30D has this feature, and if so how to access it?
Pretty much all digital cameras record the date and time stamp with the digital image. Nearly every photo tool can access this date and time stamp. If he's using Windows, he can just go to Windows Explorer, select the desired image, right click on it and it will show him the time/date the photo was taken. On Vista, it's in the details tab - probably something similar for XP.
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I used to have a P&S that did this. I don't even know if current P&S cameras do this any more.
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Modern DSLRs all record this information in the EXIF data as Scott said, but I am not familiar with one that embeds the data visibly in the image. It seems like that would just be a software trick to do too, doesn't it?
One can transfer the data in an image editor, of course, but for a legal record, having the camera do it automagically, at the time of exposure, would be better wouldn't it?
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Sure seems like it would be a piece of cake for a digital SLR camera to do this. I know many of the PS digital cameras will.
I know how to find the information in the EXIF data, but having it printed on the bottom say of every image would help when looking at a large number of images from one job site and comparing day to day progress.
There is software that will do this after you get the images on your computer. It reads the data from the image, converts it to a font/bitmap and then merges that into the image to end up with the same result that film cameras used to be able to do. I know there are Photoshop actions that can do this and I suspect a Google search will find others.
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If you want to use Freeware to add the Date and Time stamps here is a way to do it (on a Windows machine).
CutePDF is a virtual printer driver that adds PDF file printing to the host computer. The concept is to use the PDF files to hold the output images which contain a composite of the original image superimposed by the date and time. You could also use a virtual print driver that outputs JPG files, but I like the PDFs. (The freeware version works fine for this.)
IrfanView can be used to do the actual overlay. You do need to install both the base product and the plugins.
To create the overlay as a header or footer you can load the original image, select the Print function from the File menu (or Ctrl-P), add the following text and switches:
Note the $F $T to insert the filename and time/date information.
Here's how it prints on the PDF (I cropped it to the relevent top of page):
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This is a real good example of the quality of this forum.
I guess you could say that the answer is yes, sort of. If you print the photos directly from the camera using PictBridge, you have the option of imprinting the date and file number on the image during print. See page 137 of the 30D manual. (The manual is available on line from Canon)
Personally, I think I'd rather use one of the software solutions previously mentioned.
Doug and Cathy
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What computer operating system?
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Unfortunately I have Windows Vista...........
Doug and Cathy
Once installed and you have selected the desired directory and selected the images within the directory that you wish to apply the visible timestamp:
Choose "Tools"
Select "Batch Convert Selected Images"
Checkmark the "Use Advanced Options"
Click on the new "Advanced Options" button to open the options dialog window.
Select the "Text" tab and checkmark the "Add Text" box to open another dialog window.
Click on the "Insert a Variable" button.
Select "EXIF Date/Time" and choose "Date and Time".
Make your selections of shadow, background and font; position, X-Y offset and opacity.
(Note that you can save these options to reload later and you can save multiple versions of options.)
Click "OK" and you are back to the main conversion window.
Make any further selections (output folder, file type, compression settings, etc.) and choose "Convert" to start the process.
I do recommend working against copies of the original files, just in case. You can also rename at the same time. This is very powerful stuff.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
what you mean ?
faststone is freeware , not shareware , why purchase ???
Without donations the software author has little incentive for improvement. A simple $25 donation goes a long way towards telling the author that you appreciate their work.
It's the right thing to do.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
FastStone. If nobody contributes, then these excellent programs disappear and fail to get enhanced.
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offcourse you can donate , to everyone
but , freeware means free , no need to purchase
paying for freeware is weird , IMO
although i admit that Faststone is one of the best freeware app's i ever seen
They need you to try the software and then pay for it if you like it. If nobody pays, they go out of business - whether payment is required or not. People aren't doing this because they want to give you free software. They are doing it because freeware is a low overhead way of distributing software that gives you the ability to try full featured software before committing any of your money.
You can decide whether to pay or not (because the author of the freeware software has allowed you to have access to the full featured software without paying), but to everyone else reading this thread, if you use freeware and don't pay, you are telling the author that you want fewer upgrades, that you don't care if they go out of business and that you don't want to encourage more freeware in the world.
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Art comes in many flavors too! The folks that create these types of programs are artists in their own right. They share their art with the world, that is part of their know you liked it, used it, etc. So asking for a donation is just another avenue for you to express your appreciation for their art.
Giving gifts is in no way weird. Taking gifts is.
Doug and Cathy
Not sure there is more than one flavor of me..but............................. :-}
There is that weird old saying...............Giving is better than receiving ....................
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Infranview will do it all by itself.
goto file ->batch conversion/rename -> batch conversion settings box -> advanced - > add overlay text (bottom of middle column) -> settings -> append date -> append time
can do screen shots if you need it.
Infranview is only 12 it think.