is a portuguese site dedicated to model boats.
Last Saturday, my friend Paulo Simões - who owns that site - gathered some guys around an exposition of model boats and a competition.
Photographer - as ourselves - were also invited to make some shots.
I made some shots of the event which I live here for comments, IYP.
We had the company of Rui Leal from Lighting Modes
Last Saturday, my friend Paulo Simões - who owns that site - gathered some guys around an exposition of model boats and a competition.
Photographer - as ourselves - were also invited to make some shots.
I made some shots of the event which I live here for comments, IYP.
We had the company of Rui Leal from Lighting Modes
The event took place here.






All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
Photo number 3 was shot with Rui Leal's Canon 400 mm on my 20D.
I sincerely like this so shallow DoF.
Number 6 is just a boat floating... kind of common picture. Anyone can do this.
On shot number 5 the "distracting material" is the tower where some soldiers are. I did the shot with a 15mm at very close range.
Well, may be you are right when you say that shot number 7, the last one, is a bit slant...
I work now in Lightroom and I love it.
I am studying it reading a book and viewing the Luminous Landscape video, which is indeed very easy to listen as it is spoken by a Canadian and an American. For you it would sound pretty familiar, but for me the pronunciation is important...
I had a look at your blog - not at your photos, yet - and I am aware now, that I must go into the challenges ...
Thank you for commenting Travis.
I was lying on the grass ...
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
I am in doubt...
I suppose I shot the picture - the last one - with a 15mm and the info stands for 38 mm
To be 38 mm it must have been with the 24-70. Not the 16-35, of course.
But in the previous shot - the first posted here on the same subject - the info says 24 mm.
So, back to the 16-35
Well, I can't remember any more the lens I was using.
But someone I know made a shot of me lying on the grass, where the lens is seen for sure.
I have to look at that picture to know the lens I was using, because the infos presented are ambiguous.:D
I can go and darken that grass... I'll do it.
Thank you.
I am not mad about model boats but I can try to know something about this model.
Maybe, it is the model of the one you mentioned...
Thank you for commenting
You can see the 20D with the 70-200 near by, on the grass, at our left.:D
So, one of the informations on the EXIF is wrong.:cry