#8 Just Cooling

here is one shot from many i did the otherday, i may have cropped a little more than i should have and i will fix that, by adding a little more to the rear side tonight...
i was hoping to get some feedback on it, hows the treatment, theme strength, possibility to make it to the vote?...etc...
also, do any of you feel its better than my current entry of the coins?
thanks for your opinions,
i was hoping to get some feedback on it, hows the treatment, theme strength, possibility to make it to the vote?...etc...
also, do any of you feel its better than my current entry of the coins?
thanks for your opinions,
Aaron Nelson
I like the motorcycle. If you're still playing around with it, how about trying a crop that zeros in on a polished up area of the bike? You should be able to come up with something pretty nice with the v-twin.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
i have a few other shots, abstract etc, etc, i spent most of my time avoiding being in the refelection from any givin chromed part....
thanks all, i dont know what im going to do for sure...
can i get some C&C on the coin shot too? is it apparent that the coin shot is weathered?
It is apparent that the coins are weathered, but I think all of the coins should have been in focus and the main emphases should have been on the weathered texture of the coins. By putting the coins on either a 'polished', or smooth surface, or on a weathered piece of wood and showing more of the coin surface it would improve the image - in my opinion.
I really like vertical format of the Harley that you currently have posted. The only thing that bothers me is the background. It doesn't bother me as much in the horizontal image you have posted here, but for the one in the Entry thread, I think it distracts. But I do really like the shot!!
Brad Sharp http://sharpfotos.com