I've got a Tiger in my tank!
Old Esso ad tagline.
Anyway, loaded Tiger, and so far, so good. Beautiful. Dashboard is very cool. It's still indexing my drive for spotlight, so we'll see. No problems so far, except for Saft Lite and Pith Helmet, two Safari extensions I added that aren't compatible, but no biggie.
Flawless install, fast, nice. Safari's working great!
Anyway, loaded Tiger, and so far, so good. Beautiful. Dashboard is very cool. It's still indexing my drive for spotlight, so we'll see. No problems so far, except for Saft Lite and Pith Helmet, two Safari extensions I added that aren't compatible, but no biggie.
Flawless install, fast, nice. Safari's working great!
Too many for me to list. Read about it here.
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Wow. I'm learning a lot. Spotlight makes a great image viewer. It's got a slideshow mode that's great.
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Just got through skimming/reading that article. Fascinating, and absolutely well-wriiten. Brutal analysis of the Mac Finder. A lot of it went over my small head, but a great read and I learned a lot. Thanks.
I agree with most of the complaints he has (at least the ones that I understood), but I have to say: I am really happy with Tiger. So many of the small annoyances in Panther are gone.
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I never miss that guy's OS X reviews. 100% meat and no marketing or pro-Mac media bias. Heck, it isn't even a Mac site so they have no obligation to like the Mac at all. And somehow he's also an entertaining writer.
macosxhints.com has published some hints for Dashboard . I've already hacked my phone book to use Google maps instead of Mapquest, and made my widgets detachable, so they can be open all the time, floating above everything else.
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