Automating Photoshop/Aperture Workflow

charlesoutcaltcharlesoutcalt Registered Users Posts: 100 Big grins
edited September 19, 2008 in Finishing School
Hello Everyone,

I'm facing an issue that's really frustrating me.

I often have a large (200 or so) group of images in Aperture that I want to run through one Action or another in PS (for example, Noise Ninja, then some sharpening).

In theory, I can select the images in Ap, open them into PS, choose the Action with auto save, and be done.

In practice, I can't open more than 30 or some images from Ap into PS without PS crashing.

I'm using a quad core Xeon Mac Pro with 8 GB of RAM, and I can't really afford to upgrade from there.

Is there a way to automate this entire process, but in a way that doesn't overwhelm PS? I think that I can run PS actions on files within a folder, but I don't see any way to make this work with Ap, unless I export the files into a separate folder, run the Action, then re-import them into Ap, which seems pretty inefficient.

Any ideas out there?

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