Luscious Carbon Curves

The news about the 5DmkII has got me a little inspired again. Maybe I will pick up a used mI later on next year. Anyways, I recently bought a bike (as in bicycle) and took some "abstract" photos of it today. Hope you enjoy!
I Love the shape of carbon fiber frames. There is only so much you can do with steel. Aluminum is more flexible, but not nearly as much as carbon fiber. And while I was cleaning the bike I actually lifted it above my head and spun it to get the other side with one hand. Gotta love that too.

More shape... complex shapes on the tubes make the bike so dreamy IMO. Plus the noise that CF bikes make on the road is just so soothing.

My oldest jersey's pockets ripped at the bottom so I sewed 'em up. Haven't done any sewing since middle school (home ec. blegh!) and had no idea what I was doing. I decided to make a cross pattern here because it looked cool.

Thanks for looking!
I Love the shape of carbon fiber frames. There is only so much you can do with steel. Aluminum is more flexible, but not nearly as much as carbon fiber. And while I was cleaning the bike I actually lifted it above my head and spun it to get the other side with one hand. Gotta love that too.

More shape... complex shapes on the tubes make the bike so dreamy IMO. Plus the noise that CF bikes make on the road is just so soothing.

My oldest jersey's pockets ripped at the bottom so I sewed 'em up. Haven't done any sewing since middle school (home ec. blegh!) and had no idea what I was doing. I decided to make a cross pattern here because it looked cool.

Thanks for looking!
CF rides are nice, too. So light. I got a Bianchi aluminum frame with CF forks years ago. I wanted all CF, but the spouse put the nix on that.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
And nice job on sewing your pocket!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
I like your sewing shot
like little kisses, I'm truely impressed I am, I am
I'm just assuming your a guy who can sew right?
Thats one pretty slick looking bike you have there too
.... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I am a guy but I do not "know" how to sew. I did learn in a Home Economics course we all had to take in 6th grade (~11 years ago?). The only thing I can remember from that course is that Apple's OS9 likes to freeze A LOT, Oregon Trail is an awesome game and how to thread a needle.
When I sewed the shirt I basically just went with what looked nice and then tied it off on one end.
Perhaps this one will do it for you?
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy