#8 Weathered yes - Polished, not so much...

Weathered is everywhere, and polished, at least polished that sparks my photo bug, is is hard to find. So I am going for the weathered part of the challenge.
I already have an entry, but I had some time to hit the back roads and came back with quite a few. It's hard to choose. What's your IMHO's?
Oh, yes, I have a thing for locks.:lust
#1 - Blue Door

#2 - Bucking Dogs

#3 - Lock

#4 - Lock

#5 - Lock

#6 - Lock

#7 - Lock

#8 - Old Glory

#9 - Water Tower

#10 Train Station

#11 - Current Entry
I already have an entry, but I had some time to hit the back roads and came back with quite a few. It's hard to choose. What's your IMHO's?
Oh, yes, I have a thing for locks.:lust
#1 - Blue Door

#2 - Bucking Dogs

#3 - Lock

#4 - Lock

#5 - Lock

#6 - Lock

#7 - Lock

#8 - Old Glory

#9 - Water Tower

#10 Train Station

#11 - Current Entry

Blessed are those who remain flexible, for they shall not get bent out of shape.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I do like your current entry though, those gears are neat.
Winston, I have to agree about the locks not being weathered as much as I would like. A good weathered lock is hard to find :cry
Pyro, I have one of old glory zoomed out, but it doesn't look all that weathered. I zoomed in to highlight the rust.
Idiom, that's why I like to get opinions. I never thought about that spot of light, but now I can't look at it and not agree with you. It's gotta go.
I was hoping to get more opinions. Well, maybe tomorrow.
I thought, since I did not have a shot of the whole flag, I would just simplify it to 3 stars. Here is the full image.
Maybe I was just over thinking the whole thing