Double-crested Cormorant (female)
Just back from a trip to Horicon Marsh.
Shot all raw this trip and am trying to learn Lightroom editing that was a breeze is now more of a chore. Hopefully it will be worth it!
This female let me get close because she didn't want to stray too far from her nest. Just as I acquired focus...she lurched towards me and looked to her right. The swirl was something that I hadn't planned for..but really pleases me.
I would have liked to crop this one a little differently to include more of the reflection in this near full frame shot...but I'll take the swirl instead. :wink
Shot all raw this trip and am trying to learn Lightroom editing that was a breeze is now more of a chore. Hopefully it will be worth it!
This female let me get close because she didn't want to stray too far from her nest. Just as I acquired focus...she lurched towards me and looked to her right. The swirl was something that I hadn't planned for..but really pleases me.
I would have liked to crop this one a little differently to include more of the reflection in this near full frame shot...but I'll take the swirl instead. :wink

So I stepped back.
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"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
Neil MacDonald
Richmond BC
Oly E-510, 14-42, 50-200, EC-14, EC-20
Metz Mecablitz 48 AF-1
Thanks, Mike.
Nothing like getting close.
Thank you, Dan.
Thanks very much, Rich.
Thanks, Neil.
I just noticed that you use Oly gear...I was tempted to try it a while back because of the compactness and weight difference. Then I realized I have enough invested into this hobby!
How do you like it?
Thank you, Mark! NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"