
removed spe and killed the net...help!!

zackerzacker Registered Users Posts: 451 Major grins
edited September 22, 2008 in Digital Darkroom
so my comp was crawling along and running really slow, i tried all the fixes and none seemed to help i then looked at recent changes and there it was... XP SP3.. 4+ gigs of HD space gone to this upgrade.. so i decided to remove it.. I followed the removal instructions on the web sirte and removed it without a hitch but.... now IE7 is dead.. i can get onto my home page fine, i can also click and open any link in my home page like news or weather... but i cant browse or open any of my faves and i cannot teven type in the search box.. in order to visit a web page i have to go into internet options and type the url in as my homepage then exit and re stare IE7.. lol anyone got a fix?

im on my laptop now also with SP3 and its like a corpse but its still got internet..
http://www.brokenfencephotography.com :D

www.theanimalhaven.com :thumb

Visit us at: www.northeastfoto.com a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink

Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap


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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2008
    And what about Firefox - have you tried?
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    zackerzacker Registered Users Posts: 451 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2008
    fixed it... lol
    i made the MS updates page my "home page" then i was able to navagate right to the IE8 download page but when i clicked on download, i just got a blank stare from my moniter..lol so i did what any red blooded american would do on a great, sunny sunday at 11:30 am.. i right clicked it and clicked on "Save target as" and it let me save it to my desktop and i was able to open it from there and download..

    xp service pack 3 its nothing but trouble, this thing used like 4 gb's of HD space leaving me hardly any scratch disk space for CS3.. and not to mention it slowed my comp and laptop to a crawl and also killed the sound on the laptop..

    now to kill it off my laptop!!
    http://www.brokenfencephotography.com :D

    www.theanimalhaven.com :thumb

    Visit us at: www.northeastfoto.com a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink

    Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
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    Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2008
    zacker wrote:
    so my comp was crawling along and running really slow, i tried all the fixes and none seemed to help i then looked at recent changes and there it was... XP SP3.. 4+ gigs of HD space gone to this upgrade.. so i decided to remove it.. I followed the removal instructions on the web sirte and removed it without a hitch but.... now IE7 is dead.. i can get onto my home page fine, i can also click and open any link in my home page like news or weather... but i cant browse or open any of my faves and i cannot teven type in the search box.. in order to visit a web page i have to go into internet options and type the url in as my homepage then exit and re stare IE7.. lol anyone got a fix?

    im on my laptop now also with SP3 and its like a corpse but its still got internet..

    yeah mine also...I wasn't brave enuff to remove it......Ms even said that SP2 was it...no more work was to be done on or for XP.......
    that danged CPU meter is once again bright red and everything, just like Zacker describes, real reall slow............... Ohhh Ohhh me thinks I have another HDD, a pre SP 3 version, a migrated copy of this C drive in a GUN SAFE down the street.......how sweet it is to have a 2nd copy of my system in storage............Oh yeah........
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

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    zackerzacker Registered Users Posts: 451 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2008
    lol.. ms even has an SP3 blocker tool so auto updates wont down load it... i was reading the boards over on the MS site and it was full of folks who had problems after down loading it, just none of them had any advice unloading it... lol
    http://www.brokenfencephotography.com :D

    www.theanimalhaven.com :thumb

    Visit us at: www.northeastfoto.com a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink

    Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
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    Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2008
    Is your desktop back up and running correctly?? If so waht did you do to restore proper functionalty??

    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

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    PupatorPupator Registered Users Posts: 2,322 Major grins
    edited September 22, 2008
    How much RAM have you got?
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